Have you come across her work?
At least she is not a conspiracy nut case like Dr Mumbai Seraki. You know the pan African space and African studies is often fertile ground for attracting Charltans and crackpot scholars.
At least Dr Bunmi Oyinsan is Erudite and knows her shit.
nilisubscribe kitambo sana…i recommend her !!
you realise all pan-africanists borrow from high calibre human beings like kwame nkurumah and marcus garvey… the charlatans and crackpots scholars unasema ni kina @patco who barely support their stuff with evidence… unlike them , most pan-africanists are enlightened folk
Yep - Her video on Bantu people.
Yeah @patco anakuwanga ivo… Also add to that list is that he likes citing dubious sources…