Amira Jamal ameamua antaka talakaa

@Finest wine what happened? Udaku haitaki uvivu. I’m behind the news. I thought Amber Ray lefted the nyumba ndogo? Aki punda wives 2021 has not been your year. This is why I am ANTI with capital letters hii mambo ya ride or die Sijui build a boy, buy for him a boxer, take a loan for him to grow togeza, my fren akiomoka utalilia msalani, madharau in spades. I’ve lost count how many times I have seen it. Pole mum. Masaibu ya ndoa na hizi mabwa hayo. Lea watoto uachane na ukimwi.

Muslims are allowed 4 wives. So this shouldnt even be nothiing more than a whisper. Amber Ray cannot leave Jamal. She will stalk him until the day he dies. I had a neighbor who left his wife for a mwk. They lived together for some years until he decided to leave. That woman would hunt him like crazy. These are the usual rif rafs of the beginning of a polygamous union.

Amira is angry over Jamal sending birthday wishes to Amber Ray but forgetting their son’s birthday. These marriages though. Jamal can at least remember his kids birthdays.

Amira divorcing Jamal over birthday wishes to Amber Ray

Saa zingine men forget bdays even of their kids. Women need to understand.

Funny that they don’t forget their own birthdays. I am terrible with birthdays and I am telling you it’s a big deal to men too.