America first.. you'll get a vaccine after all Americans have been vaccinated.

Harvard University mko?
Princeton mko?

You are just a hater

Why did the US fund a French drug company,hakuna researcher huko kwao?
Do you even know how long it takes for a vaccine to be released to the market?

Jifunze kutumia google

The life expectancy of our ancestors was in the 40s.

Which ancestors?
The ones who barely lived to 30 years?

The main reason why parents gave birth to 20 children was because 15 of them would die before adulthood.
That’s how they evened the scales.

Mzungu’s clinical trials saved our asses.

Tumia akili.
The papers are posted in scientific journals.
I don’t have to read them personally if others have read and accepted them.
Also, FDA does a good job vetting.

Not everyone who uses common sense has black hating/inferiority complex like you.

Kemri also does a good job in their research and drug development. I will take their medicine any day despite them having no mzungu.

Hehe kemri.

What do they manufacture at this kemri place anyway?

Then next time learn to shut up and comment something positive. Saa hii hata tukiambiwa mkojo ya kunguru ni dawa tutakunywa,but you mr know it all yet i-dont-have-to read-them thinks that the african concotion is too quacky that muricans need to endorse it,well fcuk america,fcuk FDA. Tutakunya whatever pops out the witchdoctor’s grotty pot. FYI i dont hate blacks,just your type na kina patricia na tyronne,just because mlilipiwa shule america mnajionaga mnajua mob,ghaseer hizi. Yeah i said it,i hate your type

Malaria, TB, HIV, Cholera etc.
They are the top most research in those diseases in the whole of Africa.
Among others.

The answer is simple Sanofi is practically an American company. They buy alot of U.S research. They’ve bought out several much smaller U.S research firms together with the research they were conducting. They make a lot of money in the U.S.

The U.S has made them emensely wealthy.

You are just a self hating nyeuthi. If you’re having withdrawals peleka mbali.
You think I care whether a drug was made by some black or mzungu? Learn to grasp simple concepts.

Make your drug, test it scientifically, get it vetted and I’ll use it.
You are a very low IQ human being, probably a big failure in life too. The kind who buys by the gallons, those crazy liquids in Nairobi back streets marketed as all manner of healing compounds.

Foolish old man.

:D:D:D:D Is that right?

There was a young researcher there in the 1990s a Luhya chap. He was quite famous in the 90s in HIV research. Alikuwa anashinda kwa gazeti.

In fact we all thought he would one day find a cure for HIV.

Well…30 years later na bado…

Anaitwa Professor Omu Anzala. Najua @Abba anaweza danganyana ni cousin yake.:rolleyes: ‘second brother of my father born to the third wife…’

Anyway, afadhali Dr. Anzala angebaki tu U.S afanyie research huko. Maybe he would’ve made some headway into the AIDS cure.

The lies you tell! For your information, big pharmas have relied on the herbal knowledge of our ancestors for their products development

That’s not breakthrough knowledge you are presenting.
Almost every medicine known to man is derived from some form of herb or plant or natural organism.
Big pharma also had ancestors over there who used different herbs and got cured. Nothing uniquely African about that.

The processes and science was just made better.
Why eat a whole pineapple to get cured if you only need 1 miligram of the active ingredient.
If different herbs have this and this chemical formulas, combined on a computer simulator, they can defeat this virus that behaves like this.

Such kind of things.

Mr Hudson’s remarks in a Bloomberg interview provoked uproar among politicians on the right and left in France. The Socialists estimated that Sanofi had received some €150m (£133m; $162m) in research tax credit and millions more in other tax credit

Perhaps he was instrumental in developing current ARV treatments?
They are properly effective.
Normal life expectancy kind of effective.

America was even trying to use money to buy covid19 research from a German firm and diverted a shipment of N95 masks meant to go to the same Germany.
I’m not surprised, it’s capitalism 101. Venture Capitalism, use the almighty dollar.
But it’s all fair in love and war.

The exasperation in you,damn!!! Who hurt you son. Did they touch you the wrong way? Exercise that pent up anger in a positive way.Your insults are akin to a 10year old tho:D:D:D:D

But of course, this won’t be talked about.
A firm that was founded in france, is based in france and has been receiving millions upon millions from its government somehow finds a way to prioritize a foreign country.

Just because si mzungu alitengeza hiyo dawa hugwesss igusa,a true bonobo you are sir.

@patco ama @T.Vercetti hii inaitwa intellectual sweep. Unapigwa na facts kama umbwa imeingia msikitini. Sijaona ukileta mabishano saaana hapa kama kule kwa 5g. :p:D:D:D

Sasa najua umengia kiu DCI ukitafta comments za Keneddy, hii ni grudge ushafom


This is why we are siding with Mr. Megafool on the other side.Ujinga wake kuna vile unamake sense.

When people are dying, hizo scientific papers ni za ku do what?