Tukakuwa kwa room na stima ipotee siwesmind.
Huwezi omba mzigo bila giza kukuwa? How shy are you?
hii mboga bado imesimamaaaa
miguu za huyu mama huniuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, infact she is hotter than the daughter. ni kama tu passaris pia ni mrembo kuliko mtoto wake .
Who the fuck is she?
Simjui lakini hakuna wall naona amegonga
Rubadiri naweza badilisha yeye, any time
Huyu hawes gonga ukuta bana. Ukuta ikimuona inakua gaseous state anapita.
Peng ting since 1980’s.
Hizo mguu zake ni kubwa kama za maragoli, is she luhya?
Trapezius muscle is evident, yeye na gym ni chanda na pete.
Vile watu hii kijiji hu set standards unaweza dhani ni Bezos na Musk !
Isn’t this the 1000 cock stare?
Have you ever met Passaris in person…
I think the lady is okay but I have never been fixated on her. In fact, to me soooooo many of our so called “celebs” are just beautiful coz they have the airtime, technology (social media following, filters etc) & some extra cash to wear fakeness. Honestly, on a daily basis I do see some exquisite women randomly on the streets with little (to no) make-up and they look like they ain’t even bothered about their looks yet they are just too damn gorgeous.
Iyo ni ipi niende gym
She can gerrit. Kwanza vyenye huwa kanaforce fake american accent. Kanakaa kumoan in amercan
Kati ya bega na shingo( upande wa nyuma).
Mwili huwa imeiva lakini sura hakupewa.