Amefanya kazi buana.


Uhuru my president. Good job man and may good tidings follow you for the rest of your life

Whats Kenya’s cost of electricity ranking ?

The largest wind power plant in Africa is also in Kenya LTWP @ loyangalani.

That is a good question for Mr keter and all other meno refus who attempted to run down KPLC ketraco etc

Akili yako ni kama ya warthog.

For seven years we have used the geothermal power! Despite us ranking 6th.

Energy ministry faces probe over idle Sh79bn steam wells - Business Daily

I don’t care, he has maintained it well

What people want to know is simple: will electricity bills go down?

Kihií ile jaluo ulinyonya mboro mkiwa na miteso humbwer @Abba alikuwa na very thick foreskin
meffi takataka

Tell us about power cost