Am I a Psychopath or Just an Alpha Male?

Old age is a blessing/luck not many will see it.

its a blessing but someone up there says he hates the behaviours that comes with it

When in this world the only two things you are 100% assured is death and sickness.

Nimepitia tu.

You trying soo hard, bi.tch!

Mogaka, ukipendwa pendeka.


Ondieki niwache.
Kwanza ikio ki babu mnakaa nakio hapo LA

Hako kamzee namjua lakini hanijui.
Nigwekeee chuisi ya migwa okombe mocha.

@uwesmake hua anamletea thir kwa io bedsitter yake :D:D

Hehehe…you are anything but an alpha male…you are a beta male suffering from senile dementia.

Clean money, don’t try to support the gay shit, gayness umekithiri huku lately.

Isorait Padre.
Nawatch mating rituals from a safe distance.

Pea mzee haki yake assume hatujaona. Mcoondu

Antique wi mundu nyee muno. Serre!

uzee tu mzee

ma priest mumemnyandua ma altar boy kama @Eng’iti sanaaa for centuries .

kids can repel you with their demanding ways. ignoring sometimes works.

The number one sign of a psychopath is LACK OF EMPATHY
