Am confused

Wadau, niko na miaka 27 and still a virgin guy.
is this normal? Ama am worrying just for nothing.
Am confused. Nisaidieni na mawaidha

This is now a new low for attention or generate reactions, whoever you are multihandler.

Enda room 254 ulize msee anaitwa atwoli

Unataka mawaidha au pussy?


Si ukam inbox

Hamna shida, but ukitaka kujibreak tafuta dem ako na experience kiasi.

Nyinyi ndo mnafeed trolls uku,. Shenzi

Ingia hapa kwanza usituambukize viroboto kutoka sijui wapi

Can a guy who wanks call himself a virgin?

Uko na akili @Kadonyele sana

Ur an extinct species, shikilia hapo.

SEx is overrated. Nikama kunia tu. Don’t worry

You are normal, but here are some facts you need to know.
Sex is overrated, right. But wakati utaanza kumangana even after marrying, utakuwa unstoppable chief. Utakuwa unakulana left right and centre. That is the main problem with being a firgin 4 long. In addition, you will always keep on wishing that you had started dicking powzie during your teens. My advise, stop wasting time and look for some powzie right now before it’s too late.

Yeah exactly, huyu akitambua sabina na mfuko iko loaded, ata subscribe to premium membership

Do what @uwesmake did : start with your maid or shamba boy.

Uwesmake fuaked both. Hence his love for trannies. Then graduate slowly to your neighbours maid… before long you will be a navy seal sniper calmly fucking your neighbour’s wife.

Uwesmake today has an illustrious fuaking career in between bouts of STDs. From his wife, his maid, to all the maids in his street… his office Secretary, the receptionist, all his female bosses, the watchman, all the interns, half of KMTC, all the barmaids in Kayole, all his female cousins, some of his aunts, some of his male friends, all the prostitutes in Kimilili and Wundayi etecetera etcetera have all been snipered by the bukusu navy seal.


Lakini Patco wewe huwa bully sana. Ulitimua Yunomi kijijini.

& with a very high drive. Afadhali aanze kukulana saa hii, aanzie mdogo mdogo, hiv test kwanza na machile anawezana nao.