Am 19 but people think am 25,working and married!

True story.I visited a shop and telling the shopkeeper am less than 20 kwanza amecheka.Our gateman(watchie) yeye amesema nakaa apo 25yrs.Does anyone relate ama niachane na nyama

I used to get confused for a person much younger than my age. Then a lady advised me to let my beard grow out and that solved my problem.

Nyoa ndevu kiyana

Kuna dawa ya kustimulate growth ya ndevu?

Now what could we possibly do about you looking like Ngombe musee meffi

Everywhere I go people tell me I look exactly like Nebuchadnezzar.

Sijawahi sikia but I’m sure the chemist will recommend a pill which is probably a placebo

my beards are just sprouting:D:D

jamacan castor oil.

kuna ndevu moja ya sparta iko 3 inches izi zingine sijui zinachelewa nini


Is Nebuchadnezzar the dude who was cursed and ate miraa and mogoka for seven years?

Midlife crisis yako imeanza mapema.
Stop worrying over things you have no control. If you continue like this, you’ll have insecurity and loose confidence in yourself.
We all look different in our own rights.
Chill youngie.
By the way how does a 25 year old look as compares to a 19 year old?
Live healthy, eat fruits, drink water, exercise.


nani alipiga nabukadineza mbicha na iko wapi ?

You’re not married kijana, ulionjeshwa puthy for the first time na ukakwamilia hapo. At 19??

Eeh kuna fertiliser ya Falcon inaitwa DAP. Tafuta hio

Unathani mimi mtaro ya mahindi kama bibi yako

Chances are umezaliwa ocha doing hard manual labour.Anything close to that??

nop i have not been doing manual work all my life…actually ladies tell me my hands are too soft