Always thought...

That I would be a straight atheist if I was ever born to Christianity. The idea of readily accepting the religion of men who invaded my land, raped my women, killed by the thousands, caused immense human suffering etc just seems very strange to me… Just voicing my unpopular opinion. Watu wa crude weapons msichelewe…

If you know, you know

Because slave trading Muslim invaders were better? Ngamia ni ngamia tuuuuu.

That describes every religion

Oh yes they are…unlike Christians who abhor atheists, Muslims even welcome, and allow them to choose what to believe in; or lack of it. Religion of peace, remember?

Hio kichwa Jo :smiley:

Hii ni upper cut:D

Haha why you catching feelings though? I just stated facts.Also here’s some brief history you might want to learn…

Somalis were introduced to Islam in the 9th century through TRADE and never through colonism, slavery or any of that shit. Go on try to prove me wrong.

Somalis have been Muslim nearly as long as Islam has existed, 1400 years compare that to Christianity being around 120 years or so… The introduction of Islam came with no strings attached to Somalis or Ethiopian Muslims , No stealing of resources or occupation. Yah so it really was kind of different but ignorance is bliss I guess…I can sit down and name 100 cases of injustices and mistreatment Christian missionaries brought to the African people while it gets really hard to name any negative impact as a result of Islam introduction to Somalis through their contact with Arab travelers.I guess the big difference is Somalis ACCEPTED Islam while majority of Christian Africans had Christianity forced onto them or were given no choice.

Ferk religion

Islam is the most intolerable religion and culture today. This would have been true fro Christianity during the inquisition. That been said all religions are stupid and other than the basic teachings of morality they are utter nonsense.

What is funny is how you and your other handle @Notapeoplesguy keep accusing me of catching feelings then go ahead to write emotional replies to simple questions/statements. There’s nothing new you’ve taught me btw, I already knew everything you’ve typed here. You should have clarified you were specifically talking about Somalis ndio tujipe shugli. Sasaaa, ju Islam has existed in somalia for 1400 years, has that stopped somalia from being the super shithole it is today? How is the country, with its 1400 years of Islam, better than the countries that have had christianity for 120 years? Swali tu, usiniitie clan yako yote kwa reply.

Leo ni Sunday can’t be bothered with all this shit. What I wrote above is my opinion and you can disagree with it all you want. Also this might come as a surprise to you but there’s more than one Somali in this forum. Everybody know you type as if you have blood pressure. Bye.

But you get bothered when others write their opinions?

I didn’t say there’s only one Somali in this forum, I said @Notapeoplesguy is your other handle. Wariah wewe habana elewa combrehenshen?

Now you’re speaking for everybody?


Sigh pigwa miti Mbwa

ghasia malaya never mention me again in your stupid chokoch wars.

Atheism is a “belief system” just like any other religion. Both of these belief systems came with the colonizer. Africans had their own religions and belief systems also before colonization. And stuff like christian isnt something that the colonizers invented themselves. They found it in the arab world then made it their own. So to me, this thing of saying “ooh! Ohh! The colinizer this. The colonizer that” smacks of us having a post-colonial hangover. We should use what we find useful and make it our own and discard what is useless.

Mr stop, rewriting history, the jihad that were carried against them are uncountable. Re-read history of Mohammadism again it was spread by the sword. Just like it’s Abrahamitic cousin Yashuahism.

I saw those torture pics in some gallery that was in display somewhere in Nairobi last year. I hated every our leaders that day for not recognising how much it cost Kenyans to become independent

Sawa chairman wa kujiongelesha sacco :D:D:D:cool::cool: