Although there is massive plunder, Kenya is still far ahead of most African nations

The number of projects currently underway in Kenya make us way ahead of the pack in Africa. Countries like CAR, Gabon and Malawi will spend 40 years to get to where we are today. If corruption can be minimized kenya inaweza kuwa category ya Spain in 15 years.

Kenya is considered as one of the African ‘Lion Economies’ alongside Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Africa.

I am the best idiot ,better than all the other ldiots

Truth be said, Kenya is miles ahead. I am not saying this to support that faggot who has destroyed our country, but my friends who often come visiting from other African countries are usually shocked by the infrastructure that we have in Kenya. The only countries that can compare to Kenya are Nigeria, Setafrika, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Angola. All the other African countries still have a long way to go. Ethiopia might be growing fast enough as per books, but the reality is that more people are poor in Ethiopia as compared to Kenya. More rich people in Kenya as compared to Ethiopia as well.

apart from the economic figures, if say you get a primary school teacher, or a policeman from Kenya and take them to Malawi o Gabon and give them the same job will they notice a difference in their lifestyles - I have always thought for the common man in africa, if you swap countries for them there won’t be any noticeable difference across the continent - of course apart from the war torn countries.

At the middle and higher level, of course if say you go to sandton you will notice a big difference with say westlands, but at the common man level, africa is just similar.

:D:D:D:D Wachana na wakenya wajichoche as they sink further into the shithole. More like I am a taller dwarf compared to other dwarfs!!

We have great potential its just that there is too much stupidy flowing in our blood stream. Characters like joho, sonko, uhuru, ruto na baba yao would not have made it anywhere in countries that were not a banana republic.

True Kenyans have too much pride.

Botswana, Seychelles, Mauritius and even equatorial Guinea may have better infrastructure than most of the countries you’ve mentioned, so bado tuko nyuma.

There are good dictators and bad dictators. Paul Kagame is the good type while Omar Albashir was the bad type. If Africa would have presidents like Paul Kagame, Alfred Mutua, Kibutha Kibwana, Matinag’i, Michuki we’d have accelerated growth.

what are their sizes? We cant compare equatorial guinea with Kenya, simply due to the difference in land mass

The average wage for a factory worker in Kenya is 250usd. 380 in China, and an unbelievable 20 in ethiopia!

I wouldnt put Botswana there,

I watched a YouTube video where this chick from Ghana was visiting Nairobi and couldn’t help but acknowledge how ‘developed’ Nairobi is. (Her words not mine)
Another Ugandan mami visited Nairobi pia yeye akasema vivyo hivyo.
Naija brodas are flocking to Kenya en masse juu huko kwao ni true shithole country.
If we fix our leadership we could easily become Africa’s Singapore

Bei ya unga ni ngapi in kenya compared to Ethiopia?

They have a higher HDI than we do if infrastructure isn’t enough for you.

Hizo za 250 ziko wapi nisake job? Plot yetu yule mtu tops ni 30 dollars.

I try to avoid the typical factory worker, because that varies, and most just hide the compensation - but look at teachers or police men at least their pay is properly documented in most countries, and since they form a bulk of the formal workforce in most countries provide decent examples.
To be honest I don’t think a typical teacher or small scale farmer in tanzania, malawi, gabon, ghana, zambia will see much difference in living conditions across the continent - the rich and the upper middle class will notice differences for instance if you go to south africa you might find global shops that are not in kenya, but those are issues that affect a very small percentage of africans.

African countries should think in terms of improving living standards for the majority, otherwise shinny multi level roads and rail, or a few selected rich neighborhoods will never tell the true story of the landscape.

I know they are among the wealthiest countries in Africa, but infrastructure wise, they aren’t all that. I have been there. The thing is, they have a very small population to warrant a high infrastructure investment

na hio nyumba mnalipa ngapi?