Alpha beats Networth.

[SIZE=5]I often hear men advice each other “tafuta pesa watakufuata” but this is not the case most times. If your frame is weak and you don’t have the best genes when it comes to looks kukuliwa bibi is something you’ll have to make your ego come into terms with.

Alpha males will always have a high sexual market value ata msito bezos wishes he could be Leonardo DiCaprio.[/SIZE]

:D:D:D:Dthat video is hella funny but am against this motion mr speaker, going by your examples Leonardo Dicaprio can afford almost everything that Bezos can …

Too much of this frame and alpha male bullchieth of late

He literally can “almost afford” but the eyes of a woman never lie she would fuck Leonardo without hesitation.
You’d expect the hypergamy of a woman to be based solely on finances but it’s not always the case.

It’s over for the bald beta manlet chieth

He should come and take notes apa kijiji kwa fellow birrionaires. But I think the information will be overwhelming atajiunga na MGTOW battalion @Kodiaga and @Karoga due to buyers remorse.

It’s the blackpill. Bezos is just beta bucks. Sucks to be him.

Watu wamekuwa kondoo, can’t even come up with an original idea

Look at wild leopards, they worry about food first and accidentally bump into a female, mwaga in, then head out to the Savannah. Could any talker follow this approach and come back with data?

We all rely on borrowed information there is no “original idea” you have come up with by yourself. Everything you think you know is borrowed information programmed in you.

If you had original ideas you’d be in the ranks of Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell, Nikola Tesla. Show me an “original idea” you’ve patented and I’ll rest my case.

Dang ! ! ! According to standard za kijiji, Bezo is a beta male.

You guys do realize that after a certain point, your lifestyle can hardly improve so the difference in lifestyle between DiCaprio with $250M and Bezos with $200 billion is very small despite one being 800 times richer than the other. Money/wealth also has diminishing marginal utility ie at some figure, more money does not necessarily yield a better lifestyle. Bezos and DiCaprio are equals from that perspective.

Yours is a fool’s errand or rather you’re beating a dead horse. How long will u keep regurgitating the same crap from Kevin Samuel’s podcast. Just shut the fuck up and drink what your benefactors have ordered - Pilsener.

Who the fk are you by the way? Introduce yourself before quoting me you moron

Who the fuak is Kevin Samuels?? Your uncle?

:D:D ni saa kumi asubuhi na mshaamka na mambo ya beta, alpha,cucks na kupigana masweep…doodoh!!

My identity has no bearing to your irredeemable repetitiveness whatsoever. You can’t save yourself from puking notes you’ve read from Wallstreetjournal, et cetera.

Why don’t you stop being a pssy and use the ignore button. Stop biching all the time.

I post whatever I want, whenever I want. If you have a problem with that hug your nearest transformer.

Matusi na vita 4 am… Must be a slow morning for crypto traders :D:D:D:D

Masweep matusi na makumbo zinashukakushuka… :D:D:D:D

Ignoring you would be doing you a favour. I want to rid this site of your incessant stupidity. And to do that, I have to maintain a keen eye on you.