What is your idea of alien life? What could they look like, or their abilities?

That’s the reason we have sent probes to other planets, asteroids, comets and even to the sun to answer your question. Kwa hivyo and meanwhile, tulia and occupy yourself with earthly things like kuosa mesho, fuck kungurus or watch the WRC Safari rally.

We are alone

I don’t interest myself in any of these.

We like to think we are the most advanced species.

96% of matter is unaccounted for. It is right here where we are. We can detect its effect on gravity, but it is on a vibration we cannot apprehend. Aliens are hiding in plainsight. If you change your vibration, hell (or heaven) will break loose on you right there and then.

Depends on their environment. If they are in a larger planet than earth with more gravity they will be shorter and muscular. Less gravity they will be taller and thinner.

Na kama ni waterworld?

Then the life on such a planet will be adapted to survive in those conditions. Most likely such life will have features for swimming/ fish like.

Kindly search and watch a documentary called “Close Encounters of the 5th Kind”… All your questions will be answered…

On it!

Nimemaliza. It’s quite good though it’s hard to know whether that guy Dr. Greer really communicates with aliens ama ni kutuenjoy.

Imagine the ability to have a big brain and able to do what humans cannot do. ALien life … But recall, we are also Aliens on other planets. I think the eter, Alien refers to guests,/wageni on spcae

Tafuta hii…it answers all your questions

Sande Buda

Oya, have you tried that CE-5 Protocol ya Dr. Greer?