Mimi it reaches a time najihurumia aki…
Im allergic to fabric, dust, perfumes and fragrances…like I don’t use perfumed soaps, lotions, oils, makeups like eyeshadow, powder, ponds etc.
But im glad, in my family people are allergic to metal. Azin metal burns their skin when it comes to contact.
So docs, please tell me which medication I can use. Ive tried antihistamines, not working!
I am not a Doctor but for some of those allergies the best “cure” or medicine is avoiding contact with the allergens
How do I avoid fabrics surely??
Oil based paints are the ones that keep threatening my existence. I get sick after exposure to freshly painted rooms, furniture etc.
It’s a biatch.
Avoiding them is a good way to handle it. When I was in primary, I ate macadamia nuts and puffed up like a blowfish. The doc I was taken to told me to avoid macadamia nuts from then.
boil leaves of neem plant a glass a day
Last time i tried something herbal i nearly died…
depends on the dosage u used…hehehe
I have a nice gonadal cream that won’t cost you a fortune.
Mimi it reaches a time najihurumia aki…
Im allergic to fabric, dust, perfumes and fragrances…like I don’t use perfumed soaps, lotions, oils, makeups like eyeshadow, powder, ponds etc.
But im glad, in my family people are allergic to metal. Azin metal burns their skin when it comes to contact.
So docs, please tell me which medication I can use. Ive tried antihistamines, not working!
Mimi it reaches a time najihurumia aki…
Im allergic to fabric, dust, perfumes and fragrances…like I don’t use perfumed soaps, lotions, oils, makeups like eyeshadow, powder, ponds etc.
But im glad, in my family people are allergic to metal. Azin metal burns their skin when it comes to contact.
So docs, please tell me which medication I can use. Ive tried antihistamines, not working!
panda mbegu pale kwa kanyari na uchunge kupandwa instead
I also wonder if you have a reflection everytime you look at yourself in the mirror… [SIZE=1]Vampire[/SIZE]
Interestingly, I don’t have any allergies yet everyone else at home is allergic to meat.
Am allergic to prostitutes , kwanza nikipita hapo SJ, i feel dizziness.
May 4, 2018, 11:39am
You have cures for everything!
May 4, 2018, 11:45am
I also wonder if you have a reflection everytime you look at yourself in the mirror… [SIZE=1]Vampire[/SIZE]
Interestingly, I don’t have any allergies yet everyone else at home is allergic to meat.
For I gorra say…I hate all wheat stuff. I have never really known whether it is an allergy or not but cakes, biscuits, confectioneries do not do it for me. Chapos and mandazis go down badly in my African settings as a host can not believe they went into all that trouble na sikuli. I love mukimo/Githeri/UG/Rice/Potatoes/ Ngwashe/Matoke and other things like so many greens and veg.