Allen West, GOP candidate for Texas governor Is A Misfit

[SIZE=7]Allen West, GOP candidate for governor, calls wife’s DWI arrest in Dallas “insidious”[/SIZE]


Angela Graham-West, wife of GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West, was arrested by Dallas Police Friday night for allegedly driving while intoxicated. Allen West said she hadn’t been drinking, that her 3-month-old grandson was in the car with her, and called the arrest “insidious.”


The wife of Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen West was arrested in Dallas County for allegedly driving while intoxicated Friday night, according to the Dallas Police Department and West himself.

Angela Graham-West, 61, was driving home from dinner at P.F. Changs with her 3-month-old grandson when she was pulled over and arrested for a suspected DWI. She was charged with driving while intoxicated with a child under 15 years old.

Graham-West was released from jail around 1 p.m. Saturday, according to West, who posted a video on Instagram early Saturday morning from the Dallas County jail. In the video, West angrily denied his wife had been drinking.

West, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, said he had been in Waco having dinner with Ted Nugent when he returned to Dallas to find his wife had been arrested.

He said in the video that he had spoken with people who had dinner with his wife and grandson who told him she only had water and lemonade. West provided a photo of the receipt to the Tribune, which shows a lemonade, but lists no alcoholic beverages.

In the video, West said he was especially angry that his grandson was left on the side of the road with two police officers while other officers took his wife to jail.

“I support the thin blue line, but this is insidious,” West said. “They put my grandson at risk, at jeopardy, left him with a couple of police officers and carted his grandmother to jail and she had water and lemonade. … I’m beyond livid.”

Dallas police said in a statement to the Tribune that they stopped Graham-West in the 2300 block of West Northwest Highway at 8:44 p.m. and that the officer “had reasons to believe the driver may be intoxicated.”

Police said Graham-West went through a field sobriety test, “which subsequently led to her arrest for DWI.”

In a text message to the Tribune, Allen West said his wife was stopped for failing to use a turn signal to change lanes but had “no issues” with field sobriety or Breathalyzer tests. He said she refused a blood test, but an officer got a warrant for it.

Dallas police said West’s grandson was released to his father. West said his daughter and her husband picked up his grandson from the car on the side of the road.

West announced he was running for governor on July 4, a few days before resigning his position with the state party to start his challenge to Gov. Greg Abbott, a fellow Republican.

Graham-West ran for Garland City Council earlier this year, but did not advance to the runoff election.

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Njaruo @Mangele naona bado wewe nawekea wananchi insa na composison sako kutoka magaseti tofauti tofauti kama CNN na PPC. Hio pia kwisa kuwa ni maendeleo.

Wewe ni kijana iko na mawaso. Wewe kifanya kasi kwa bidii wewe nawesa ongosa nchi kama Obama kijana ya Obama Sr.

Lakini kama wewe naisi kama mafi ya burukenge huko Texas yawa, wewe taendelea kuisi tu maisa bwege bwege kama tu kalachunyno saitan.


Old bottom, unanyeshanga ama any day is hump day?

Left the child with two police officers, how cruel

Very interesting. That he doesn’t know his wife drinks and drives. It’s rarely the first time. She was stopped and stopped in the middle of the road instead of pulling to the side. That’s a dead giveaway right there of a person high on something. She’s is serious trouble. Driving drunk is a somewhat minor offense. Driving drunk with a child in the car is a serious offense. That’s a separate child endangerment charge.

Dallas police on Monday defended their arrest of Angela Graham-West, Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen West’s wife, for allegedly driving while intoxicated.


At a press conference, police Chief Edgardo Garcia showed a video of her Friday traffic stop, field sobriety test, and arrest. He gave few details when asked about what portions of the field sobriety test Graham-West might have failed.
But information about police suspicions was detailed in an arrest warrant affidavit that The Texas Tribune obtained from Graham-West’s lawyer, who said his client had not been drinking and questioned the strength of the officer’s evidence.

Toxicology results from a blood test are pending. Garcia said results from a Breathalyzer test conducted during the traffic stop were inconclusive.
The affidavit that attorney Todd Shapiro provided to the Tribune claims that Graham-West, 61, showed signs of intoxication in portions of the field sobriety test.


Allan West became popular and gained notoriety among Republicans by becoming the most outspoken Black critic of Obama constantly alleging outrageous claims against the first Black President. From Nazi comparisons to calling Obama boosters a “threat to the gene pool,” here are some of the 13 of his most incendiary quotes:

8. ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ a ‘Low-Level Socialist Agitator’
Not one to curtail his anti-Obama sentiments, West got particularly keyed up at the president’s opposition to a House-approved GOP budget plan to privatize Medicare. “I am sick and tired of this class warfare, this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States,” he said on Fox News. “Barack Hussein Obama” is nothing more than a “low-level socialist agitator.”
9. Obama Supporters a ‘Threat to the Gene Pool’
Speaking of fascist rhetoric, West concluded a rambling blog post slamming the Obama administration with this rather disturbing admission:
“I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”
10. ‘I’m Here as a Modern-Day Harriet Tubman’
If West thinks his oft-used historical references strengthen his arguments—well, we’ll let you decide on that one. Apparently Obama is the slave-driving leader of a “21st-century plantation” wherein “the Democrat Party has forever taken the black vote for granted.” So where does West fit into this racial equation? “I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman, to kind of lead people on the Underground Railroad, away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”
11. Religious Coexistence Would ‘Give Away Our Country’
When West was campaigning to be the Tea Party candidate for Florida’s 22nd District in 2010, he took aim at religious coexistence during a public forum, slamming the popular “Coexist” bumper stickers that display symbols of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religions. Those purple bumper stickers really push his buttons. “And the reason why I get upset, and every time I see one of those bumper stickers, I look at the person inside that is driving. Because that person represents something that would give away our country. Would give away who we are, our rights and freedoms and liberties…” Naturally, this rant led to a verbal assault against Islam, which West often refers to as the American enemy.

[SIZE=7]Angela Graham-West, the wife of Texas GOP candidate Allen West,
wasn’t drunk or on drugs when jailed for DWI, tests show[/SIZE]

West had insisted his wife had not been drinking the night she was arrested, calling the arrest “insidious.”
Dallas police said they stand by the officer’s decision to arrest Graham-West based on the information available at the time.



The wife of Texas GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West had no traces of drugs or alcohol in her system, despite being arrested and jailed overnight by Dallas police almost two weeks ago on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, the city’s district attorney said Wednesday citing toxicology results.
Angela Graham-West, 61, was driving home from dinner at P.F. Chang’s with her 3-month-old grandson when she was pulled over after an officer witnessed her swerving into the shoulder of the highway.

An arrest affidavit that Graham-West’s attorney Todd Shapiro provided to The Texas Tribune claimed that Graham-West showed signs of intoxication in portions of the field sobriety test. Shapiro had attributed those issues to a previous brain aneurysm behind her right eye. A Breathalyzer test conducted at the scene was inconclusive.