All 43 NYS scandal suspects to stay in remand prison until end of trial.

Roundi hii gava means business unusual ,now wait and see the way they will fall sick .

Best news of the day

alafu makumbafu za human rights ziingilie kati.Kenya moves one step forward,an idiot drags us 65 thousand steps back

wacha tusubiri tuone mwanzo ndio ngoma imeanza .

hapa kuna watu watafungwa vile naona.
previously corruption suspects are given bail, then interfere with the process and the cases drag on… till they are not trending anymore,then one busy afternoon they are dismissed for lack of evidence

Hakuna ku babaika

Earlier in court, the Ngirita chic was back to her usual antics displaying a tatoo on her forearm.
Sasa aende akashindane catwalking prison with the other one who murdered.

Hii ni Kama kutuonyesha middle finger .

she is still in denial. Has no idea she is small fish in the grand scheme of things and sacrificing her family in court is a piece of cake

Teheeheee … be easy on the Buru slay queen #slaytilltheydie

Scandals big fish who blessed the looting bado wako kwa mansion zao hata hawawezi tajwa. Unaskia tu “some high ranking individuals” ni kama hiyo ndio jina yao.

Appeal to the high court loading. Its unconstitutional to deny them bail unless there is evidence that they will sabotage the investigation process. The magistrate’s decision to deny them bail is not informed by the law but by fear lest the public crucify him for setting them free. Justice Kimaru will grant them bail.

No pizzas, no mattresses, no WiFi, no dry-cleaned clothes, limited visitations etc Their only source of information will be prison guards and the other jailbirds.
Wengine watajiuwa.

This woman is just shameless . You steal my food and vomit on my shoes when I ask you why you stole … kwanza huyu anafaa kufungwa aparare afanane gollum (alien from lord of the ring)


Wanyoe yeye nywele kwanza

Hii kesi inkaa kupelekwa speedy sana so when is the next hearing sasa?

So long as Waindulu is still not in jail or apprehended, hii yote kwangu ni upuss. The real business goes on as usual & I think hii ni kufumba sisi macho … upus tu …

Do not be surprised if among her defense arguments is the issue of mental illness.

Habari njema kwa wakenya wote…

Wanangoja world cup when Kenyan minds will be distracted and then watawaachiliwa, That ngirita chic knows this very well…and am sure kwa jela wanapewa five star hotel treatment. I was once locked up in Muthaiga police station…cell had only three inmates. One of them had a top of the range sleeping bag. Family brought him breakfast, lunch and dinner which he shared with us. He also had access to a mobile phone and laptop(with internet). I stayed there for a weekend and felt bad when i was being released on Sunday evening.