Kwenda ng’ambo is the ultimate goal for negroes yet Africa is Paradise its only that their eyes are closed
Unakuaga blunt with the truth. Waambie wadevelop Africa ikae kama Europe
Ile kufungwa mecho walifungua na mlami will last for another 900 years, by that time time Africa will be full of abandoned depleted mines
They’re just following their resources over there. I guess your eyes are open, what do you see ?
Their resources which they have left behind in Africa?
Ambia sirikal ikupatie kazi,tuone kama watakukaribisha. Can’t feed on paradise mtu yangu. Its not a goal but neccessity ,the mother of invetion.
My long rant:-:D:D:D
When the need for something becomes essential, you are forced to find ways of getting or achieving it. People want to take kids to school which have horse riding in the carriculum,hospitals with proper care,week long vacations,eat out every friday night,live with peace of mind ukijua hata ukadedi saa hii,your legacy is iron clad
First off mko chronically overpopulated and lawless [SIZE=1]kama huna pesa ya sheria utalala ndani hata ka huna makosa[/SIZE],midro crass percentage iko chini,leo ukiwa mgonjwa na huna pesa…chimba kaburi upesi,beats za luwere ziko njiani.
Corruption kila corner. Job experience is a must,umesoma over seven years,nugu inakuambia three years experience…from where? kule inje unafundishwa ukiwa ndani,even techy jobs…i should know:cool:
Covid imeingia,over 30% ya wale walikua job,hawana savings…tusiongee insurance kwa sasa,thats a diff ball game…unaeza hesabu watu wanaweka 100k clean kwa account from job za kuandikwa.
LAZIMA ukue na side hustle kama uko na watoi na unalipwa less than 100k . 10pts to MGTOW hapa mumekafunga but hamko wengi kwa job sector za 100^k [SIZE=1]salimia aunty wa harrier:D[/SIZE]
Hakuna diversification,kila mtu anakimbilia whats popular,(remember pool tables?quail? Boutiques? Phone bazaars?wines and spirits/bars/? Carboot sale? all in one line)
Tax yenyu saa hii hata mzungu awezani nayo ju hakuna vile inasaidia mwananchi. If things were perfect hamngekua mnatreatiwa ka meffi na wachina wa bararabara ama daktari wa KNH.
Kudos to zoomalians kwa umoja wao,kenya hamna. Places like Imara,fedha,Nyayo even those in diaspora,wakashikana ,wanaeza fungua biz balaa but no,kila mtu ni mwizi,no offence to summer bunnies
Kenya ni poa for flora and fauna but not conducive for working. It breaks my ticker to see uni grads working menial jobs being bossed around by illitrates.
Huyu ilibidi FB imchukue ju kenya imelalia akili. Hana bwana but first salo tu…
Hawa wengine wajipange but hopefully watasaidika[ATTACH=full]378757[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]378758[/ATTACH]
You are right,@Tom Mbawao but what incentives gava imeekea watu? Ukakua msick unaeza kimbizwa nairobi hosi ama wewe ni wa Uhai Neema? No pun intended
@Punda , @thesavage (siko sure if you’re for or against ) ,what is so hard kununua mining,road making and repair equipments,tooth pick,tissue paper machines,coffe processors na kuandika wakenya if we can afford to borrow ksh7trillion? Whe was the last time ulinunulia mama rose flowers? Does a kenyan know the difference between flourspar and limestone if they fell into them? Gimme two reasons…i’ll wait. FYI tuko na platinum na gold yet watu wanakimbilia padlocks,beats me:confused:
Msinipige mawe tafadhalini:D:D
Ng’ombe hii si ulikua hapa the other day ukitafuta namna ya kwenda huko.
Africa is paradise if you are rich. If you are poor, that’s another story.
NANI? Mimi ndindu? NEVER EVER. Siezi hata taka VISA ya Kutoka Kenya.
I make enough to live comfortably in Kenya than a Slave in Europe or USA. Sijui mortgage, car loan, University loan.
Mimi siendi mahali.
If you want to be employed, europe, north america, australia, middle east are great.
If you want to author your own life, almost anywhere works, but home has big advantages.
Your rant is typical of those who left Kenya and live abroad as if people do not live in Kenya. Why should children have horse riding classes? It is good to live abroad but life did not stop in Kenya when you moved out.
Your type are those when visiting Kenya come loaded with 2 or 3 suitcases full of consumables that they could easily buy in Kenya at even cheaper prices and avoid the associated cost of transporting those suitcases. They do that because they have been away for so long that in their minds, those things are not available in Kenya.
Let us even assume you are right, how many people have that option? Is your opinion their life id bleak and will have no legacy?
Yap, Kenya is only good if you have money.
Exactly. We need to invest in industries to create jobs, not wheelbarrows and #BottomsUpus.
Kibaki succeeded because he used trickle down economics - he revived industries that directly benefitted farmers eg KCC, KMC etc and also made policies that enabled banks to lend to SMES and wanjiku which rejuvenated the private sector and created jobs.
Pewa tot mbili za ovacado kwa bill yangu…
as an aside,…its been some years since I returned from Biden stan and walai prospects zenye I had zimeshuka maramia tano…na kuna ngombe unexposed itakuambia kenya ni paradise…mimi bado husema weather ndio top priority yangu for remaining hizo zingine wajiekee
Boss, do you see the triple irony?
East or West, home is best.
Shida ya hapa kenya ni loosers like @johntez addi gaza msafi trying to pull you down when you tryinna make it. Security ndio shida. And thats so coz of high rate of unemployment by the youth
Indulge me please
Mbona ulirudi bila pesa ambazo ziko huko? I guess maisha ilikuwa ngumu huko. Once you go, dpending on your permit conditions, accumulate enough before coming back. It is always hard to find your bearing in Kenya again especially when you have been away for some years