Alfred Mutua

Yeye alinunua Hospital Equipment kabla ya Kabogo, hata kabla ya serikali kubwa. Way back in 2015.

Tunajua Alfred Mujuaji. Hakuna kitu huyu mang’aa amefanya that is sustainable.

Ni yupi ambaye amefanya kilicho’sustainable’ kumliko?

No, actually he was the 1st governor to sign on for the leased medical equipment provided by National government. Initially it was meant for Kilifi but at the last moment kingi refused to sign on and they had been delivered to Malindi. They were sent to Machakos and installed. President Uhuru commissioned them the same day this photos were taken. Those few months alot of Nairobi residents went for their check ups here instead of queuing at Kenyatta for the same. Eventually all governor’s signed up and last one was Bomet.

I believe many of us watched the topic of the dilapidated schools on NTV last night. If you did, and you have never been to Masinga, in Machakos County, what you saw is a countryside that is very similar to Masinga. Except for the famous KENGEN Masinga Dam, nothing else is of significance in that countryside. And yet, this is the work Mutua is doing there!

February 23rd, 2017, 04:42 AM

If each county committed to doing about 50 km of these every year in 5 years we would have close to 12,000km of not wonderful but at least “matopeless” roads

Huyu mwanaume hajafanya anything. Ali fanya paint job ya the front part, put a couple of new beds alafu akawaenjoy nyi wote na PR ka yote… he’s done nothing

March 10th, 2017, 04:55 AM

Today while enroute to an Uliza Serikali function at Kikumini, Masinga sub-county, I inspected the ongoing tarmacking of The 21km Kivandini to Masinga road that will open up the area.
The road being, built by my Machakos County Government, using our engineers and equipment, is one of 10 tarmac roads we are constructing. Action not empty politics of poverty.
Infrastructure development is key to creating wealth. Wananchi want roads not stories. This is the basis of Maendeleo Chap Chap - Inawezekana na Itawezekana!

Ndiposa nikauliza, ni yupi kati ya magavana wote nchini Kenya ambaye aweza semwa kwamba amefanya zaidi ya Mutua?

I listened to Uhuru tonight, and from him I borrowed something that I will be telling everyone who will care to listen. The two levels of government should never seem to be in competition. They should be complementing each other for the benefit of the citizenry.

Good question!

I thought the post was about mutua?

just because they don’t parrot it doesn’t mean hakuna mwenye hajafanya.
this man just shows you vitu shoddily done alafu anakam kusema chap chapa.
Alfred Mutiaji is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Forgive this one, father, for he knows not what he says!! :):):slight_smile:

It’s true… ati maendeleo chap chap, more like ufisadi chap chap…


@Okiya, come see the type to be ignored!

Sisemi kitu!


Na kwani swali langu halimmuliki yeye?

Hahaha… Are you sure they don’t?
