A picture speaks a thousand words indeed.[ATTACH=full]175152[/ATTACH]
i don’t see anything wrong with this photo
Without the CiC, that is just a sketch.
seriously even messi can take an autograph with a lowly chokosh like @uwesmake ,does that mean papa khulichy will be the next fifa chairman? toa mboro kwa akili, mefffi!
Mutua has reached the pinnacle of his political career.
Mutua still has time to get to his senses back and re-align, i say his vision of presidency is not far fetched
Mkamba hawezi kuwa president. These guys don’t have a backbones. Mutua is just playing the field so he can jump ship to whatever side seems to be winning
I love Mutua, but when he spoke about him being president in 2022 I took two steps back… He should have sat down and thought about what he was saying…
People should be wise in choosing their enemies more than friends. Sasa ona his seat is gone… Sad
Term limits. Will soon be jobless. Guess which plane he will board.
Boeing 747 dreamliner
Please do not tribalise it. A kamba can be PORK just not him na uwongo wake na cosmetic shosho media stuff.
Caanan destination?
Hehe You wish!jyou are just a peasant!these are among the very few gentlemen that run this country.ata wewe you might die not having experienced the level of power they have…i pity being you
:D:D:D:D:D. Kweli yeye ni wasinema.
Kibaki was called general Kiguoya by Kenneth Matiba. Most people considered him a coward. He still became number 3.
I like his fighting spirit but he needs a national following.
A few months ago, an opinion poll was conducted on Presidential elections, come 2022. It came to my surprise that the 2 horses were Ruto vs Joho :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.
Joho is a non starter and that how the Ruto Camp wants. They can’t afford to risk the masses toying with serious personalities like Mutua, Kibwana and others.
Opinions starts forming early, and that why the likes of Mutua have to be teamed.
Hapo nakubaliana na wewe….
" Uhuru should form a lifestyle audit commission. The commission should start implementing its mandate by investigating the Deputy President.
It’s humanly impossible for one person to make billions within 5 years yet all his companies and businesses can barely make half a billion within that period of time …"
~Governor Alfred Mutua.
Monday, June 4.
Ruto is a besieged man. Hustler brand is dead. If his character continue been assaulted this way, come 2022, the man will be nowhere to be seen.