Natumai umeamka vyema…2016 is coming to an end… and here are a few questions that I propose that we should be asking ourselves at this time
What have I achieved in 2016?
What can I do in the remaining 1 and 3/4 months to make this year a success?
Considering 2017 is an election year, what am I going to do differently to change the trajectory of my life?
Remember. Feeling bad about the situation you are in is not enough to make any changes in your life. Sometimes we tend to give excuses like I am too old to change or I don’t have the money or my wife won’t approve any changes or I have kids or I cant leave my current job etc etc
But guess what? that’s a grown up version of “The dog ate my homework”
Some of the excuses may sound genuine to you but my question is “What are you going to do about it?”
Ati reflect? Nikipata stress ulcers na depression utanipeleka hosi? Wewe reflect alone. Bora I did what I could when I could with what I had iko shida gani? Shukuru mungu for every day and for whatever life you impact on positively. And then you wake up dead…