Poleni nimechelewa kufungua sacco. Anyway,goodmorning?
morning, time to rise and shine
morning @Afro, morning all
A lovely day ahead talkers
Good morning all the good talkers. The miserable ones can continue drowning in their misery.
Today We narrowly missed another accident. Damn meffi drivers. At this rate,tomorrow i might not make it to work.
In other news and in respect to my new obsession with west africans,nataka huyu…
Her happiness turns me on. I like a happy and jovial woman.
Huyu pia sio mbaya saana,i’d however prefer less or no makeup
Arewa girls. Kanuri, Fulani, Hausa. Wazuri sana.
Kwanza Hawa wa arewa ndio wananimaliza
Good morning peeps
Goodmorning. Blessed day talkers
Good morning!!
Two days of sub-zero weather and a man must fight to get out the blankets. The sight of those West African gems got the blood flowing again, and this oldish fusion tune did the rest…
Good day. Chapa kazi , apana ngombe !..huko ni Kachmeka ?
Moja ni Meru na nyingine ni Ahero