Alfajiri sacco TGIF

TGIF at least the week is over lets jenga kenya na mnakumbuka hii


Ndio kuland Kisumo city. Lasima hii otunguu inukie.

Have a blessed one talkers.

Kuamuka na muvua ,wapi mahuwa man ?

A beaut Friday…


Veronica - sunny border blue


Blessed day ahead talkers

Good morning y’all…

Wewe @Liberty ebu amka. Today you’ll take the couch.

Enjoy your Friday everyone

We are headed to a crappy four days, weekend followed by Monday then Tuesday holiday.
Can never be worse than that.

Watching Formula One pit stops.

Morning ladies, gents… have a fantastic long weekend and be safe

Bless this day, Oh Lord. Protect and guide me. Lead me in Your way of righteousness.
Even as the weekend approaches, prepare my mind and thoughts for work today. Comfort my mind and take away all worry. Because You are the great provider and You never fail me.

Have a blessed Day Wanakijiji

Blessed day wanakijiji

Niko hapa, already in the office. Good day dear

Good morning people !

Happy Friday and Remember…


Blessed weekend if any

Morning guys.
Here’s some music to warm your soul old timers.