Alcohol blow!!

If due to alcohol blow there are more fatal accidents leading to deaths as motorists try to escape from the police, then I feel it is not helping anything. Can it be done away with?

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Any one downing a few drinks ad having the courage to drive I believe is sobber enough to drive home safely. Wat do u think?

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I drink a lot on weekends, I get numb at some point. I am aware of everything etc but only on beer. Whisky is a different story. I can drink upto 15 beers and am good. Upuss ya ntsa, kukula tu.


reverse logic


I used to be an auto-pilot until I had an accident a few months ago but it wasn’t such bad. But I still drive and drink, come on its life. Sometimes hell fuckin laws. Feels awesome.

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So it looks like you are waiting for it to be grizzly for you to appreciate other people’s lives?


Learn to understand if not to pay attention. I guess unasumbuliwa na menses zika virus hii.

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What’s there to understand? You talk about driving while drunk; kwanza auto-pilot, causing unnecessary accidents and that’s fun for you? How old are you 25? Drunk driving can be ok if you eventually don’t take other lives if you decide to kill yourself.


alcohol gives u fake courage

what they should is introduce digital dl ndio ukifanya kitu ya ujinga kama hii u get banned from the roads for a few years…and pay higher insurance premiums when u finally get your dl back…


The law is a fucking blanket shit, some of us who have evolved beyond the bench mark are judged by standards of guys who start puking on the 3rd beer. *Sissys everywhere

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that system works elsewhere in the world why not here?

dont drink and drive


I stand to be corrected. At Min 0.09 is a white BMW that drives through the roadblock.Question is,kwani fine ya drunk driving iliongezwa from 20k? That one would rather sacrifice their 4 tires? I drive on Linglong, moja ni 6500, which is 26k.UNLESS wife anajua uko out of town job, ama, unahepa media,na ukona ka chipo,then it’s never that serious,I’d stop and pay.

Since when did alcohol and rational thought go hand-in-hand?


Kenyans and their flossing will ensure that drink driving will never end.

Kama mliona citizen news at 9 jana you wouldn’t say such a think… A drunk driver made a u - turn, to avoid NTSA, started speeding on the wrong side of the road and had a head on collision with a taxi which resulted in the death of the taxi driver… DRUNK DRIVERS WATUMWE KAMITI for they are a danger to themselves and others


i’ve seen people do this a couple of times on university way … waiting for someone to ram into a truck

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Ati?? 15 beers. 5 beers and I am out. Nuff respects broda, nuff respects.