Chifu why are you blind sighting me…iam still young i want to see the pyramids of Giza…niende Mancha pichu to the Incas…see the Aztecs …why
[ATTACH=full]402182[/ATTACH]Fatter than a pig. No full pics of her body has surfaced so far. But am sure when it will, only @rexxsimba will be proud of such. Anasema ati it’s a health condition. Somebody kindly tell her when the wall finally arrives, then it has arrived.
Akothe is a pile of bones that are not of any interest to me … :D:D
:D:D:D relaaax, she’s growing to something you will like. Kitu mzito
So, do you like them heavy and also married, because these two categories of women require minimum efforts.
Married women are the easiest lays around, and the efforts required are minimal. Manze wanono huwa hawana shida kuandaa senye.
The so called, mifupa ni ya umbwa hapo ndio kazi huwa, especially those that are of college going age . Madem wana options.
I guess hii kijiji is full of men who are challenged from many fronts, that’s why the wall is overly celebrated over here.
Absolutely NOT my type … :D:D
Huyo omwami wa 22bet ameniangusha