Wadau has anyone tried short term rentals business? Which is the best location? What are the ups and downs, prospects, margins etc. Please educate
We already said they are modern brothels. Keep off
Listen and learn.
Ingia Youtube and search for Airbnb horror stories. Utashangaa…invest in house hold items you can affors to loose. Kuna kamoja mimi hu rent hapo Kasarani. Ka bedsitter kamesukwa poa sana. Guy is called Andeko. Pricr ranges from 15 to 1600 per night
This one is the best…jamaa alileta bash mzima kwa airbnb. Cheki maneno
Huko ndiko unaeneza mauti mchana? kukula oroda kabla ya kurudi kwa bibi jioni
You effectively killed my dream of earning from Airbnb
It entirely depends on where & how you set up, manage your property. I personally know a couple of owners making good cash.
Anza na bedsitter studio, in busy places Thika rd & Nrb West,South etc. Mahali kuna clubs/nightlife around pia. The guys I know have theirs in SthB, Syokimau karibu na airport, Sth C, Thindigua,Langata…ukifika bei Westy/Kilimani/lavington border ya Kawangware.
Get a property mahali kuna order, furnish it well(good size bed,mini fridge, wi-fi,2burner cooker,tV na sound weka basic(vision+ na sayona/hotpoint, make the caretaker/watchy your friend alternatively weka ata camera moja kwa mlango(not necessary).
Start with a good affordable property place poa and scale polepole. Wateja ni wengi sana, i’m an active Airbnb app user na kuanzia Thurs hadi Sun kupata property ulisave ni ngumu.
Hapa ndio wewe na @LeVoyeur mnatombwanga mkundu for 200 bob…
Wewe makamasi ya nguruwe niondolee ushoga mbali na mimi you think i’m a peasant lowlife kama wewe wa kupeana mkundu ulipie nylon bedsitter yako, you self proclaimed faggot tukikupata tutakunyorosha nyaunyo za makende takataka.
Kama hauna kitu ya maana ya kusema peleka upuzi kwengine
Tombwa mkundu