I want to diversify from fish business to remain relevant.
I recently got quite a junk of land near Awasi which am not currently using.
swali ni,Which villager is into farming and what can generate good returns.
Ps.I have been doing part time courses in Matusi na upus.Don’t wish to be my specimen.
Have u thought of venturing into chicken/eggs business on that land u bought? That’s your goldmine right there !! Awendo already wajaka wengi wana biashara ya samaki… compe ni stiff
If you haven’t thought of moving to the area to settle, lease the land to farmers for one yr (strictly). 2017 Mar plant trees preferably the fast maturing type. Relax. 2019, prune them, again in 2021. In 2025, harvest them.
Lets do the maths (with today’s figures) . Assume you have 5 acres. That will take 5000 trees. Your investment will be like 100k for seedlings and another 100k labor. Pruning two times is another 200k. Total 400k. Sell each tree at 5k. Total: 25 ferking millions. Chukua retire. Repeat the cycle.
have you tried it boss?, someone discouraged me saying Kenya Power is shifting to concrete electric poles and akina Munga wa ekweti are the big players.
@Tiriitiondo, in Agribusiness, you first of all do a market survey to help you identify a project enterprise and the quantities required. You’ll also need to establish the best time to supply. But basically, you supply when demand for a product is high and migrate to something else when your competitors have caught on. Even then, there are agric items that will always be required. Items like tomatoes, onions, kales, bananas among others. A good trick is to have an enterprise mix of more than one item to balance out the lows that you’ll definitely face.
But if you have the mullah and your area is tsetse fly free, dairy farming is good. Pigs are also good if you’re able to open a nyama choma outlet. A single sow (female pig) can give you upto 30 piglets in a year. Do the math for 60kg pig ready for market.
Poultry is ok but cost of feeds is eating into profits leaving little to show for your efforts.
You can also grow bananas (~450 plants per acre). @500Ksh per bunch and 2 bunches per plant per year, you’ll be a happy guy.
Onions are also ok though you need to time the Jan period. With proper crop husbandry, you can get upto 20 tons per acre for hybrid bulb onions
Wengine waongeze!