Aged Granny Rachel Shebesh Weds in Colorful Traditional Ceremony

Vocal politician and Youth and Gender Chief Administrative Secretary(CAS) Rachel Shebesh on Saturday, October 30 held a colorful traditional wedding ceremony at her parent’s home in Githunguri where she marked her completion of marriage rites.

The ceremony dubbed ‘Ngurario’ is one of the most important events in Kikuyu customary wedding rites. It celebrates the completion of dowry payments to make her an upstanding woman in society. The rite is also recognized as the proper Kikuyu wedding but instead of the cakes which dominate modern European weddings, the event involves the bride cutting a piece of meat from a lamb’s shoulder known as Gutinia Kiande.


The CAS, who is married to Frank Shebesh, remarked that she was fully married in the Luhya community but her husband acknowledges her Kikuyu background hence the holding of the ceremony.

“I have been married for 24 years, I have children and grandchildren, and I am 100 per cent married in the Abaluhya community,
but my husband appreciates my background and appreciates my family, that is why we are holding this event,” she stated in an interview with a local tv station.

Kikuyu traditions stipulate that after the completion of marriage rites, she is then able to accept dowry from her daughters’ suitors.
Her husband was also tasked with finding his wife in a group of covered women, as part of the marriage rites.
She went on to serve him porridge symbolizing her duties as a wife to him.


According to Kikuyu elders, this was the ideal Kikuyu wedding in their culture before westernization and Christianity was introduced, and the payment of the dowry symbolized that the union was true and final. During the ceremony, the moderator explained the different parts of the slaughtered goat as symbols of the different parts of their union to the witnesses, as a crucial part of the ceremony.

The auspicious event saw the attendance of notable guests including nominated MP Maina Kamanda, newly-sworn-in nominated Senator Ngugi IG, CASs Anne Nyaga (Agriculture), Mercy Mwangangi (Health), among others.

Kamanda stated that Shebesh’s new status in society was well deserved and that traditional practices should be upheld. He continued to wish them the best in their married life.

Shebesh hukula huyo betachieth ma sweep behind closed doors. :D:D:D:D

This is not a wedding but part of dowry payment process

Apparently the last part. “Gutinia kíande”

Huyu ni yulee alipigwa picha akipeana BJ

What’s the literal meaning of “Gutinia kiande”?

Si alikulwa na Sonko after kumpea BJ?

It is the final ceremony after you’ve fully paid dowry. So this “kíande” is part of a goat’s meat (the front leg) which the man cuts at the climax of the ceremony. This is what you can equal to a cake cutting in the modern weddings.

Gutinia is what? It sounds like a derivative of “itina”

Thanks for the explanation

Literally means “cutting the shoulder”


Huyu abandu is a piece of work, instead of divorcing the elderly kunguru he is paying bride price.

sijawahi elewa obsession women have with weddings

The abandu guy is just a kept man. No man can have his woman sleeping out the way she does.

This is a perfect example of the woman being dominant in the marriage

Let me help you understand.
It’s a way of telling the world (other women) that she has a man to work for her. She’s been chosen and she is the only one.

Na anaendelea kulipa mahari! Steel wool

I would dry fry her any day. Inakaa wako in an open marriage.

Seems it’s a risk he is comfortable living with, mnasemaga hakuna dumba, hii sio kawaida.