After taking my slices & trying to move on ...

Mbirrionaires tulisema after taking your slices you move on to the next. Motto being ‘ Kunguru hafugiki’ period. But this chille doesn’t give a hoot even after deleting her contact … saidieni apa [ATTACH=full]239231[/ATTACH]

Fake chats

How do we establish, authenticate, confirm and conclude without any question, illusion, mistakes or doubts that you were chatting with a Ngeo?

@Thiem has the answer. Wonder why you didn’t see it…

unless accompanied by a photo it means nothing, could be some trashy shit

how can i prove this … how?


what kind of photo

Mbisha ya mngeo…with your signature on it boss.

photo of the girl if she is not hot we don’t care ata akiandika mijulu ngapi

Ngoja waamke wanakuja

The last part is enough to tell you that she wants a rematch…Rudi kwenye game then disappear again until such a time like this one when she misses the kigongi…Usifuge kunguru!!!

Effidense ata kama ni sketch ya friendship
Otherwise lets just say you are a [MEDIA=giphy]ACEWc4xcm2B1u[/MEDIA]


it could be Akothee’s sister for all we know.
no ktalk cred for this shit

nafikiria ivyo pia

Bila mbisha this is story of giant. Lakini hiyo Subaru ni gani?

my machine daddy

:D:D:Dhow now…yenyewe wewe ni kondoo tu

Ndio chief, lakini which model