Of course that’s why they are not sold the same. Other times it’s just personal bias for instance i never smoke sports coz naona watu hu smoke sports ni peasants wameparara mdomo na kupoteza meno.
Started smoking since I was 14, yaani class 8, but weiredly I only smoke when I drink…when sober its a no no!! no smoke breaks, nothing!! but I get hungry as hell tho!! Just cut off the triggers mentally…
Safari hunishika. Ive to smoke more than five times a day consistently ndio niwe addict. A
Otherwise nasmoke like five times a week. Gym and fun long-distancecycling on weekends ndio inaderail.
I come from a lineage that has a very high predisposition to alcohol and cigarettes. In my family, if you dare start any of those there is no turning back. So, after high school I got influenced by my peers and that’s how I started drinking keg because I was broke. In university I upgraded to beer and have been a drinker since. Luckily, I have incredible self control and can go dry for three weeks or a month if I want to. I saw the risk, so I made a decision to never start smoking. One vice is better than two.
No you don’t have immunity. Unless you check the status of your lungs each day which is not possible. Please quit while you are ahead. If you wanna know the damage to your lungs just visit the nearest hospital and visit sufferrers.
Please support us farmers… Chew more often, like 3 times a week. Mash Ambani Hakuna pesa bana
Haha nice, five bob a piece. Lakini kwangu iko too light/smooth na ni tupyenga
Learning to smoke, man this is lame.
Don’t get into the habit, easier to syart tham yo quit. I know some two guys personally who have died of cigarette related ailments.
It’s not worth your time, plus the smell it leaves you with, your hands, your breath, your clothes.
you clearly don’t understand and how addiction works. Out of maybe 100, only 10 or so have the willpower to control themselves and save themselves out of a habit or addiction.
It isn’t easy, like I’ve said somewhere up here, the guys who died of cigarettes were ven hard doctors tell them they were gonna die but they couldn’t help themselves.
I also know some boys who died of alcohol related ailments, in their prime, with very very good careers.
Don’t joke with addiction, it’s all fun and games until your life depends on you quitting.
I also smoke a few sticks nikikata maji, na sikila time. Bado sijafika hiyo place ya kuskia kiu ya fegi.
Hehehe fegi ni ngumu sana kuacha kuliko fombe. Fegi usually has u by the balls literally, alcohol is much easier to quit especially if u factor in the nasty hangovers that comes with its abuse. That being said, every man needs a vice in this life to balance out the forces of nature. I know some niggas who dont smoke nor drink but will literally do just about anything for pusy…even beg for it, outrightly. Hao ni wale wakipata pesa kiasi tu hivi yote inaishia kwa malaya na slayqueens.
Choose your poison carefully.
ata wewe David unavutanga
Alpha male niko among the 10. I quit whenever i want kwanza last night made a decesion to not smoke till July and i will do exactly that, only pussies and niggas that are weak mentally will die of an addiction they have been told is killing them when they soo clearly want to live. Lack of basic will power. Change my mind.
Guys here saying they can control smoking addiction hawajasema ukweli…that shiit once addicted huwes kaa bila even half a day
I meant immunity on the addiction part which I have learnt is actually possible, am not addicted to the thing at all.
If u think u are a man i dare u ditch the sticks forever, acha story sijui ya July. That is just basic delayed gratification not a sign that you’re off the iron clad of nicotine. Sigara ukianza its extremely hard to quit.
i saw how my uncle struggled with nicotine mpaka i made a resolve not to start smoking. Nigga managed to quit everything from his ‘sinful ways’ to alcohol mpaka jamaa akaokoka hehehe…ni sigara tu ndio ilimlemea…he still smokes secretly to date much to his chagrin.
Am not trying to quit, i just stop some months to detox my body. It’s Scientifically possible for some people to not be addicted to nicotine. Generally it takes around 3 months for your body to get over it. My father used to smoke in his 20s na akaacha tu hivyo. Obviously it’s much harder for others to quit but bottom line is it’s possible for everyone to quit, Unajikaza kimwanaume for 3 months na hiyo story inaisha.
Nicotine is out of your body 72 hours after you quit smoking. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually reach their peak 2 to 3 days after you quit, and are gone within 1 to 3 months.(1) It takes at least 3 months for your brain chemistry to return to normal after you quit smoking.(2) The last two symptoms to go usually are irritability and low energy.
Its possible to quit, its all about will power. My uncle was a smoker 20yrs plus, aliamka one day, threw everything kwa trash and quit hivyo pap. Watu humuuliza how he did it, akasema tu aliamka akaskia amechoka na fegi na akaamua kuacha.