Afrojiri SACCO

GoodMorning villagers? how is everyone this morning?
Nawakaribisha sana kwenyes sacco. Siku njema

Morning! Siku njema

Good morning talkers

apan tambua afrojiri pserko

A beaut day y’all

passiflora citrina

Blessed day people.

Siku njema wadau

Smoke kills in seconds…fire kills in minutes.

Have a smoke free and fire free day. {is that posible}

Good morning niggas



Drizzly morning in the torn and tattered city of Nairobi which automatically translates to morning traffic chaos.

Asubuhi njema yenye baraka tele

To class 8 child and parents success in national exame
have a rainy day !

But you are here daily negating the fact! Stooopid