Leo Ogiek nimewafungulia sacco.
Good morning…
Leo Ogiek nimewafungulia sacco.
Good morning…
Good morning?
Good morning padre and talkers siku njema
Good Morning villagers
A beaut We’n’sday y’all…
new england aster
Morning wapendwa,hio mahuwa ni repeat gashui.
Still trying to drag myself out of bed.
Bless you all.
Lord, help me not to lean on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge You so that You can direct my words, thoughts and actions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
There’s an engineer who invented a bed that ejects you from sleep.
It gives an alarm for you to wake up and after a certain duration unajipata imekurusha chini kwa floor.
Hii mvua nazidi
Good morning ladies, gents… have a good day
Good morning peeps. Leo nimeamka mapema @Liberty :). Breakfast on you
Naona ni kama umetunyoa but isokey
Wazi Ogiek.
Siku nitakupata nitakubaptize na WD40 uitwe Opiyo. Mtu wa nguvu.
Good day talkers…
Though for today. Key word is sharing cc @Nefertities :D:D
Good day all
Inyeshe kabisa mpaka Kenya power wakose excuse as to why power is still expensive.
Safi makanika
Thank you for the traditional porridge you made dear
Wasn’t that George Jetson’s bed?