Africans shida iko wapi

Poland was harrasing South Africa by keeping them in a plane for over 24 hours due to racism alafu mnakimbia “kumeet” huko. Shida iko wapi please, hamngetafuta a friendly European country? No wonder every race despises the Negros. Zero self preservation NIABM @Ndindu

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This is what your link opens to :man_shrugging:

Lakini hii dem haiwezi tombeka


Akili ya negro ni ndogo sana kama ya panzi.

Negro is too welcoming. Even today 78 years after WWII Jews still prosecute any surving NAZIs na sisi negroes bado tunabeg England

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Problem is that there is no European country that is friendly to Africans. The lot should have just remained hapa nyumbani

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True, but some like UK, France, Germany, Netherlands love pretending that they do and are much more better options if they wanted to be in Europe that much ngl

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