Africans' Dreams Is To Go Overseas, Sasa Mtaenda Wapi? Now Develop Your Nations To Be Like Those Western Nations!

The few brain cells inside an African’s thick skull only dream of traveling to Europe, USA or UAE. Now that this Corona virus is ravaging those so called developed nations where will the brainwashed negro go to?
Its time to develop Africa so that people in the Eu and US queue to come here. There is massive brain drain from Africa to the US and Europe. They lie to host countries that they are giving our bright students Scholarships to Harvard or MIT but in real sense they are busy stealing Human Capital further impoverishing the already poor Africa.

your reasoning leaves alot to be desired

I guess that is where you are, bored and lonely in your room

:D:DBonobo zitakutusi but hii ni Ukweli mtupu:D:D

Mimi ni first year college drop out cum skilled tradesman pale Bakken oil fields, North Dakota

Nailed it, Time for Africa to have its fair share.

Ata wale wako inje warudi !!!

[SIZE=5]Jobless Portuguese flocking to Angola and Mozambique[/SIZE]

Thousands of young unemployed professionals are escaping Portugal’s crippling economic crisis by finding jobs in Angola. Some Portuguese migrants working in Angola have short-term visas and some have no visa at all. They constantly worry about being expelled from Angola

Are there brits wanting to go to .ke ?
Would it be a good thing ?

I agree with you but not totally. Why do we have so many Chinese, Brits and other nationalities coming to Africa and setting here in the recent past?

They think Kenya is a sheethole and Kenyans are bonobos. They are here to exploit business opportunities.

Even in the 1800s when Mkoloni first came to Kenya, they knew that Africans were backward and primitive and there were no amenities. But they came in large numbers because of the business opportunities

Wajingas keep voting in crooks and idiots. What are we to do? Enda majuu and never have children.

So you want everyone to suffer together? How does that solve anything anything? According to me, whoever can manage to escape the shitshow should do so and never look back