African Americans and complaining

Havent heard Chris bitching. He employs African Americans to give him his jokes.

colonies/states are much older


Ubaya wenu ni kujifanya wajuaji na mko na Google hapo.

First English colony was Jamestown Virginia in 1607. Jamestown reached the 400 year mark in 2007.

Are you saying that there were African slaves in Jamestown from 1607 to 2007???

Mind you activists started singing that 400 year song in the early 1800s!

Secondly, the very FIRST African slave in the U.S was John Casor.

He was declared a slave by the court in 1655!

@Rene Descartes and @Swansea John Casor was owned by a fellow black man called Anthony Johnson.

John Casor was an indentured servant just like Johnson. Johnson told the court that Casor ran away to another farm before he finished his servitude term. The court then declared Casor a slave for life as punishment to serve under Johnson!

Slavery in the U.S was abolished in 1865.

1865 -1655 = 210 years!

Where do you get these 400 years from???[/SIZE]

And the first Africans to enter the U.S were prisoners of war captured in Luanda Angola and they arrived in 1619.

They were not kept as slaves but released after a while to settle in the new colonies which were rife with problems like Indian bandits, famine and disease.

Even if these Africans were slaves then to achieve that 400 year target then slavery should’ve ended in 2019 i.e 1619 + 400 = 2019!