For those of you who know one or two things about hard drugs, I am sure you know Ibogaine. Very plentiful in DRC and Central Africa. It is used to treat hard addiction (think cocaine) and can make you clean in an instant. Now wazungu want to take it and commercialize it and sell it back to us for millions of dollars. Yet tunaishi nayo hapa. Absolutely revolting. #NIABM @Ndindu
Another African resource getting exploited by the West …
It reminds me of the Cancer Curing Taxol Extract found in the African Yew Tree that grows in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania.
Bure Kabisa …
Shida si management. Niggers don’t even know how to grow food. Just check food production and yield numbers and compare them to other areas.
Our leaders should be hanged publicly.
Its NOT our fault, much more powerful global players long ago decided its in there interests for Africa to remain poor and impoverished and unable to exploit and benefit from its enormous resources.
If an African tried extracting from these herbs, their own leaders would jail them for criminal activities. Only mzungus are given the opportunity to take advantage of our resources. Wewe ukijaribu unaanza kuitwa drug lord unafungwa.
Africans’ issues range from self-hate, corruption and low IQ. We have too many issues within that we will possibly never get ahead or benefit from any of our resources. It’s just what it is. One you accept that, you get a visa and move somewhere else. If you choose to stay in Africa, you’re condemning yourself to a life of constant embarrassment, anger, shame and even self-hate sababu utakuwa unajiuliza “why can’t we be like other races…?” especially if you’re an ambitious person.
You need to understand that the muzungus who exploit African resources have the power to get African governments to change laws to give exclusive rights to muzungus to exploit said minerals while making it criminal for local nyeuthi.
Check new Kenya seed laws
………low IQ African leaders are the ones who get into such agreements. Like I said, our issues are multi-fold.
Exactly. You get these things buana. You know how the world operates.
Its not all African leaders low IQ, its threats, bribery and manipulation. For African leaders it always been like…mambo ni matatu…
Go to bed with the western powers and personally profit while help them screw your country and its future.
Reject western powers demands and spend your whole precidency fighting internal fires in a country with neverending misukasukoz (distabilization).
In cases where the stakes (minerals) are high enough they just come right out and kill you or remove you from power somehow.
e.g what do you think would happen if some character became president in Kenya and started doing stuff like:
- Reject Kenya non NATO ally status
- Recall Kenya police from Haiti
- Expel foreign military bases (Manda bay/batuk) etc.
- Apply to join BRICS
Shida ya Africans ni everyone is here for himself. No one will sacrifice for their country
Anyone with a keen eye can spot these things after just one close look.
Dude, once again it’s an IQ issue that makes these leaders take such decisions. The populace is also low IQ so of course they’ll be manipulated by the powers that be. Short-term thinking with zero fore-sight. If more people had a decent IQ, nobody would result to the things you speak of. Internal strife / civil wars are once again an IQ issue.
You guys overrate western powers too much. Do you think they’d nuke you out if you said no to everything they asked? Of course not. They’re too pussy to do it. It’s just that the low IQ elements in your society will be manipulated to cause civil strife. They take advantage of that. It’s not their fault. It’s your low IQ society. Take responsibility for once and stop blaming imaginary forces.
So your leaders have stopped you from harvesting the shrub and selling it ha? Ali Bonobos
You’re an idiot. We’re just following precedence. Previously, bonobo leaders have prevented local communities from mining activities (gemstones, rubies, etc) whenever something valuable is discovered in their backyard. Oh, they later just give wazungu companies all mining rights.
Stop pretending as if we’re making things up. Stupid lQ negro.
I’ll do you a good one. Why don’t you go grab ten thousand acres of public land, fence it and drop a few rhinos alafu useme ni conservancy. Do that alafu see what happens.
Squat, pee na ulale ww shoga Acha kunifuata fuata
Ibogaine is a shit drug and an ongoing scam. That fool will lose all his money
There’s no research to be done. Everyone know what ibogaine does. He just lost his money to fraudsters
Ambia hawa wasee. Ati shida ya Africa ni management nikama watu huku hawajui wazungu ni nani. Literal children of satan. for africa to become a first world the exploitative first world would become the third world and them krakas will go to unimagineable lenghts to ensure that can never happen.
Rwanda has shown that the escapist syndrome of always blaming the West should just end. The problem is our leaders
The western powers continued ownership/control of fabulous wealth and resources is largely based on the continued grinding poverty of the global south especially Africa.
Like…for me to remain fabulously rich and powerful, you have to remain poor and completely impoverished.
They have 50 - 150 year plans already in place and working for decades, to ensure the situation remains that way.