Chukua ata loan uwekelee juu hapa ni sure bet:D:D:D
If that is the case, the problem is still the husband… Mwenye anafanya kazi ndio anaamua expenses from rent, food, etc
Huyu alioa kunguru sugu who demands to grow fat and do nothing on your bill
Haha my friend there are cucked men out there. Hujawai patana na jamaa mwenye ni breadwinner lakini hawezi nunua kitu fulani bila kuuliza wife juu wife atakasirika. Ata vitu kama gari there are a lot of men out there who buy the car model that the wife wants. Jamaa unatamani kununua Mark X, bibi anasema anapenda hatchback so jamaa Toyota wish:D:D:D
Na akaweka yeye profile Pic whatsapp, Fb, Twitter, sosho media zote. Na a post status yao kila siku.
The housewife then invites the entire battalion of relatives from home to live with her because she is married to a ‘successful’ man.Hapo ndio unajua you are destined for poverty forever.
To some hio 85K ni dream salary. U can tell by how the lady is posting. Anaona hio salary is more than enough. U can tell people around her circle earn less than 20K
If your house rent is more than 10% of your gross salary wewe ni bonobo.
So a person earning 70k gross should live in a house costing less than 7??
If you can look in your closet, look in your driveway and look inside your house and see more money than you can see in your bank account then my fren you are a poor fool.
Haha anaita brother yake mdogo akuje aishi kwako akisoma college yenye unafaa pia ulipe:D:D:D
She’s a housewife. People in her circle don’t earn shit:D
Fair enough, this thing called money has never been enough.
A certain friend of mine is in this situation, status za WhatsApp yake ni pics za Bibi tu, huku akimsifu venye ako mcute, Facebook Ni hivo tu, pics zote anapost ni yeye akiwa na bibi. Kuna time I think Bibi alikuwa amemkopesha pesa, jamaa akakosa kurudisha on time. Now the guy was on phone for like an hour akibembeleza Bibi ni Nini hakumrudishia pesa on time. When the guy is at work, bibi wants to check on him every time. Mimi naona ni Kama huyo mwanamke aliwekea jamaa wangu madawa. Siku haiwezi Isha kabla hajaongea kuhusu Bibi yake!
Liability galore. Hawa na wale wanawake wanakuanga na wivu na pesa ya bwana. Ata apate unabaia mtu wenyu kitu vita chungu nzima juu yeye hana kitu
Mimi nawekelea mpaka makendw moja in addition to all the money.
This is true. Unafaa kuona dame Ata survive aje bila wewe. Ama plan yake is she’s going to run to the next man akitafuta baba watoto mpya.
Atafute kazi alipe mboch
You know there’s some women who want a lifestyle regardless of whether the husband can handle it financially. She wants a nice house and a maid. Mumesema her friends don’t make 20k but trust you me Hao marafika zake pia they expect to be kept women in nice environments and are happily the stay at home mum.
I dated dame mgine kama huyo nikamchuja. Akaoa daktari. The girl was dumb. Unampatia capital ya biz Inaisha. Yaani she won’t be able to survive. Aliniomba nirudi I said zi. No way. Ndio akakimbilia huyo jama to save face akaishi kwake. But when I saw her alikuja kwangu. Ananilalia after I smashed kiufala while anadanganya that jamaa. Na jamaa ameoa. Ningefikiri mtoto ni wangu except they got an ugly baby that looks like that doctor copyright
Except if you have a lot of money invested elsewhere other than a bank account