@administrator @formeradministrator @Electronics4u
Videos not playing. Mumeharibu Kenyatalk kabisaaaa.
@administrator @formeradministrator @Electronics4u
Videos not playing. Mumeharibu Kenyatalk kabisaaaa.
Ktalk is on its death bed. Naona wamelipa imposters huku Kazi ni kuleta news from twitter, no comstructive debate, hekayas all they rely on is Wangari threads and Kenya Kwisha Vs Assmio cat fights. X3nforo ndio Baba yao but hawasikii
@Electronics4u niuzieni Hii site.
Kwanza yule wa news za tiktak hunibore ka shiet banae
Why would we even pay people to post yet the forum doesn’t earn us even a shilling? Where would all that money for doing all that come from?
Huyo mluhya kutoka kanduyi hawezi opt out of this venture. Ako na 43% shareholding wengine ni wazungu geiy!
What’s your long term plan with the village if you are currently running at a loss
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Hello Electronic4u, how come you allow defamation on your platform? This is dispecable
Why do u allow defamation on this platform? I’ve been defamed and I want the post to be brought down
Hello admin