
how can i choose the type of adverts i see on this site,some are so heartbreaking to a point i cant take it anymore…i mean its not like am gonna buy a chinese grader or a tractor by the name that resembles jujitsu or buy a concrete mixer from india at affordable price
all am asking is relevant adverts tafasali,morning rant almost complete…

depends on the areas and sites you mostly visit away from ktalk. Kama juzi niliingia SBT now all I see are used car ads


i dont recall me searching for a concrete truck…maybe i was high,i dont know


maybe you googled an issue to do with construction or building

my level of poverty does not give me that privilege


I blocked all ads

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Does google have a way of associating your search history and KTalk account?

There lies your answer, SON

You still high on khat(mogoka), all you see are construction equipments for your dream hse.

says the guy who calls himself gaza…gaza!!! of all the incognito names you could come up you chose gaza…i know your age mate and am not your age mate

Umechimba foundation ama bado?

ukuje ujenge

Google is the ad provider. They also have provide the traffic analytics for this site. They have everything they need.

tafuta ad blocker.

don’t worry, son, you’ll one day dine with kings. as we say in greek every household with a son will one day roast a goat’s head…and work is in the hands…


thanks man

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In greek we also say that “Poverty has no roots… only tendrils…”


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D…are you saying that your level of poverty does not even allow you to envision?

:D:D will be more positive