As an Arab we have zero prevalence of the disease
As an Arab we have zero prevalence of the disease
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@Bingwa Scrotum has STDs zile strains kali that can be transmitted via touch
ohhhhh nimejua why
i have consistently been commenting on @uwesmake threads telling him HIV namalisa yeye
Kula vizuri meza dawa, HIV sio death sentence kama zamani
get a pi-hole for your network and say bye bye to ads on all your devices
Mujamaa apa umejiseti, apana wekelea khocha
una akili ndogo kama meffi ya mbuzi
Mujamaa mbona unajiongelelea?
@Douchebag buda kwanini unauwa mwenzako na ukedi ya grade one?
This young njaruo is world famous is workd famous. Who is he? What does he do?
Sema shahaadah sasa
Kufa pole pole bila kusumbua
@Bingwa Scrotum meza ARVs bila kusumbua elders.
As An Arab, wa wapi wewe ??? or unaogopa kusema ??? why keep calling yourself an Arab when maybe you aren’t ? Kama ni msonjo si ukuwe happy that you are rather than kujitaftia race ambayo you arent ! BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU ARE !
Achana ni hii maragoli khasia
its ok braza , just meant to get to know him, but it seems he doesnt, hakuna neno, its upto him.
I am not a boy. Mark my words. The fullstop is purposeful.
Allah Maa3k.