Admin Fungua Category Mpya Called Afghanistan. Too Many Threads Clogging Up

Afghanistan this, Afghanistan that. So now we have experts on matters US foreign policy. How many talkers here are Diplomats?

I hate how kenyans give a rats ass to other matters in other countries but their own

Allahu Akbar allila hamd

@Ndindu meza dawa uwache kuona madimoni.

Sasa tusiingee? Funder wewe

Hata hujui communication skills, meff

Admin fungua category ya American violence pia

Sina mbavu :D:D:D

Unaeza fikiria mafala hapa 99% wanafanya job kwa Embassies.

Kidogo correction (Allahu Akbar Lillahi Hamdullillah)- God Is Great & All Thanks Go to Him.:wink:

tosha tosha bro :D:D:D:D:D:D:D-

Most of the are jobless like @Oti The Gargantuan