Afghanistan this, Afghanistan that. So now we have experts on matters US foreign policy. How many talkers here are Diplomats?
I hate how kenyans give a rats ass to other matters in other countries but their own
Allahu Akbar allila hamd
@Ndindu meza dawa uwache kuona madimoni.
Sasa tusiingee? Funder wewe
Hata hujui communication skills, meff
Admin fungua category ya American violence pia
Sina mbavu :D:D:D
Unaeza fikiria mafala hapa 99% wanafanya job kwa Embassies.
Kidogo correction (Allahu Akbar Lillahi Hamdullillah)- God Is Great & All Thanks Go to Him.
tosha tosha bro :D:D:D:D:D:D:D-
Most of the are jobless like @Oti The Gargantuan