Admin exposed ( chieth)


Nime-come mbio nikithani ni huyu @admin …He he he hapo Digi umenipata flatfoot bana na hii Google traffic for likes strategy :smiley:

Hapana chief, gathecas strategy exposed

Sure I can see the message Mad is trying to put across… But your header my fren :D:D:D

Sasa Gatheca na WSR wanatuchunia what they actually did during 2017 double rigged erections…Hata za Msando Tutajua pia

that mean, WSR has to stick with G.o.K till the end.

by the time these tow idiots wakosane hadhariani, we will be having all details of what went down

So the biometric registration system ni ya ku-counter Kimwarer -Arror 2022 rigging plans… @Wanaruona calls it house of cards… It’s falling even faster than we initially thought… Thanks to corruption and greed

Tulia, bado maneno
