Wachana na watoto wa shule nanii. Vile itaspiniwa utashtuka sana. I used to tell the same to my homeboy sasa alishikwa early this month na hizo makesi. One day take a walk inside a prison premise ujionee vile life kule ni noma. I have a relative who is a prison warden and I’ve visited him in a number of stations he has served and boy, life ya jela epuka by all means. 30 minutes za pleasure zisikuchoche ujiharibie maisha.
I have seen on this docktari FB account that it’s just case of character assassination. But these 17 gals wa shule wengine wamefakiwa right, left and centa bt they can set you up uchunishwe skuma kingongo
Hiyo OB inakaa fake
Inakaa aliona ya mhindi akasema liwe liwalo. I hope the PNC is catching up with him properly.
Jamaa antaka kushikwa na maybe alipata vijana wa huruma wamegonga sasawa
Being successful, intelligent and a man is a crime in a highly toxic feminine space. The envy is real. Wanaume watch out
It has been said many times here and elsewhere. Men keep of young girls lakini hawaskii.
Kumbe fake news lakini trauma kwa huyo mnigga banae.