I have been thinking about going back to school kufanya Accounting. I don’t want to stay in school for four years. Is there a way I can graduate early?? Nataka kwenda UoN. This September ama next year.
An accounting degree is useless… by itself, no employer will give you a job … you need CPA, preferably first.
CPA hata ukimaliza section 4 uko employable
Then ukimaliza CPA afanye CIFA atapata 10 exemptions utakua mbele sana in many fields i.e accounting,auditing, finance,tax na M.A
- He can enroll for BCom Accounting and take CPA as a private candidate. Employers are funny, they will still pay bcom accounting guy more than the cpak guy coz ati hana degree. Hata some of these jobs the min threshold is a degree.
Unaweza pata ya 3 yrs. CPA pia muhimu.
I did CPA1 in 2013 and part 3, was planning to resume huu mwaka nkapata wamekoroga syllabus so eti sijui nirudie some unites in sec1 blah, blah, hii mambo ntaona nikimaliza IT
I thought huwa wanaprevent mtu kuendelea ukikaa kwa system more than 6 years
hiyo sina habari but i think only if you have been trying and failing. wanakijiji wanaweza saidia hapo