According to Iran, these are the people / countries instigating Trump to attack Iran.

I told u yesterday Israel haiwezi kosa in the mix. Surprise ni U.A.E is also involved. No surprises with Saudia.


Iran should just play it cool for now coz any buttons pushed and it’s game over. They are ready

Hebu jiulize hata wewe why would any sober human on earth want to attack an INNOCENT country for nothing. For absolutely nothing. Why Iran?

Iran is the strongest country in the middle east, and the most independent. They don’t take instructions from any other power. And they accomodate jews and Christians, unlike Saudi Arabia. The house of Saud are puppets of Zionists and USA,

Contrary to popular beliefs the current Israel state is more of antichristianity, agnostic, atheistic and just due to caltural basis subscribe to Judaism.

John Bolton looks like Albert Einstein. Apart from being stupid .

Kuna siku Israel ilibaki kidogo igonge Iran but Obama told them to chill out.

Also like KFC founder, Colonel Sounders himuself

ebu jiulize ukiona mtoto wa miaka saba anatembea na ten million kwa gunia utafanya nini??

Really?! Is it that simplistic?!

No way. Nchi ni mingi ziko na mafuta na other minerals but why Iran? Why always Iran ? To paraphrase Balotelli.

How did it all start? What’s the history that brought Iran to this?

This is a summary of how the animosity between Iran and US started.
Coming from a US media house, i was shocked they were very honest.

[SIZE=6]United States - 39,230 million barrels
Iran - 158,400 million barrels[/SIZE]
do the math…

The US feel idle…their war economy is currently on hold…nothing serious happening…trump needs his war!

zionists lazima wakue kwa hio mix…i see them as an extension state under US

Saudi na marionette haina difference.

Other way round. Jews run US politics chini ya maji. Just check out the figures that Israel receives from US as “aid”.

If u have bn following this show then u must know this dude and the program are and have always bn anti trump

Trump is a coward and will not start a war. The fastest way to lose an election is starting a war before leaving Afghanistan.

Was Trump responsible for that ?

Who wants to go to war with Iran? Si it’s Trump. Obama was against it.

I don’t think Trump will go to war with Iran, he is just posturing for now…
the only nation on the cross-hairs of USA military for now is North Korea… but depends if Kim will make a stupid mistake…

If there will be a war with Iran, maybe through proxies… like UAE and Saudi Arabia…

Have u been following the latest news?