[SIZE=5]I have always had a few questions about the chokosh wars of 2019.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]It is a lie that @Deorro started Ke.nyanlist.net because of the shenanigans with purple,if you know , you know. ;)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Maybe the debacle pushed him to fast track his own website.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]To build a forum like ktalk or keny.anlist.net takes time, months probably even years. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]This was something deorro had been working on probably since 2015.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Ke.nyanlist.net was not built in one day, this was something that @deorro and @Meria Mata had been working on for many weeks but they needed a strategy with which to depart Kenyatalk and at the same time steal a good chunk of the talkers, they needed a type of EXCELLENT EXCUSE to leave ktalk and this is where the gullible @patco comes in.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]@patco would be the excuse used to depart from ktalk. So @Meria Mata and @deorro built their website pole pole in secret, the question then comes in did @Old Monk know about this new website?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]I don’t know and I don’t care to ask because monk is naturally a rude, arrogant son of a bitch. And he will probably lie any way. Guy lies like a motherfuaka.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]The plan must have come from @pamba because he is a cop and a scheming bastard. “We will frame @patco . We will say he is the cause of the exodus. Fuak @patco.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]@Introvert was chosen to play the “victim”.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]@Mzee mzima and his group were tasked with creating chaos hadi ktalk kusikalike kabisa. Watu wahamie kli.st. Agent provocateurs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]I knew something was a foot because of how @Coronatities aka @Female Perspective had been behaving prior to the chokosh war. Even purple was acting funny telling me…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Anyway it was a game well played. Very smart.[/SIZE]