Ababu Namwamba's low mileage wife

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Hii story imeisha hata before ianze. Kwa hio picha wameshikana, look at how the kafukuswii is leaning into her world begging to be accepted. He is literally begging like a hungry puppy to be allowed in.


Amerix tulia!


Wewe pambana na Malaya Acha Mluhya akule Mali yake

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Atleast he is eating good women without going broke. Unlike kairo

Patite gals rock!!! Pambaneni na hippos zenu

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Hii theory…show me a photo where a woman shorter than the man is leaning towards him in a photo.


Ababu ni kama ni cousin ya @MTINGIZA_KITANDA huyo naskia anawadinya sawa sawa.

Mbona unapenda kunitaja mogaka?

It is not in my character to do that coz I am a busy man more so on a Friday evening. The issue has never been the height but rather the subconscious willingness of kafukuswii to come into her world rather than invite her into his world. Hapo ndio unajipata kama ndume being dragged to ruracios, baby showers, weddings, wine tasting events etc baadala ya kumpeleka Ole polos weekend mkakule nyama Na kutombana.

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Sawasawa busy man. So we should accept your theory as a given. Wewe sema tu hii uliisikia na the red-pill proponents and you adopted it wholesale without thinking about it. I have never seen a woman leaning towards a man in any photo, its always the other way round. The only thing I’ve seen is woman placing her head on a man’s chest/shoulder - a sign a woman has submitted to that perticular man, at that specific point in time.

Furthermore, as is the prevailing wisdom in this village, the most important thing is to score poosy, and Ababu, dick-driven as he is, is scoring lots of it from the looks of that photo. Hizo zingine ni hekaya tu.


Mogaka ni kusema nini?

Buana izi analysis achianga sex starved no pussy getting femboys. Projects some sort of bitterness uko nayo na relationships.


Hope she won’t die mysteriously like the other one.

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