After more than 20 years of marriage a man gets tired of his nagging wife ( mother to their two children now with their families), gets a new companion and becomes a father. He opens a job for the new wife and decides to forget about the first wife.
The first wife gets jealous and comes back begging for forgiveness and falls on the knees crying to be accepted back. The man out of good heart accepts her and soon as the days go forgets about the new wife and child.
Later, the man loses his job and now the main wife gets paid more than him. One day they are both paid but the guy choose to give the wife 85% of his earning and uses the rest to buy smokes and quench some thirst.
In the evening he comes home drunk only to find the wife having locked herself inside and ignoring his calls. In the previous night the guy had slept in a vacant room next door till morning. He even begs for an extra blanket to sleep warm, but the wife denies him sweet dreams.
Since COVID-19 began he does not know how his young family is doing. He has no money after sharing what he had with the main wife. Now he is sleeping the second night in the same vacant room on the floor.
How would you advice such a man, who fails to believe that his wife denied him in front of men as his husband? The man insist in sleeping in the vacant room for until God know when. Wanaume tuko kwa shida!
You can’t save such a stupid guy. He never learned after his first marriage, he definitely won’t learn now. Huyo unaacha apigwe na maisha hadi red pill iingie kwa mwili apate akili.
I will not be surprised if he ends up killing the wife instead of understanding how to operate from knowing female nature… such examples almost makes me disappointed with my own gender