Mrng talkers.ave been following the bashing that the police got when avideo was leaked showing them killing some got me wondering in some musilim countries it’s lawful to amputate or kill an offender usually done in public places for all to see(how many cases do those countries record interms of violent robberies)what if we employed the same tactic mercy for athug ata kama ako na miaka tano(if he kills he gets the same medicine kill without “hearing” mercy.from the video icould see the young man begging for his life which was heart touching.ifelt pity for him,and would have given him a chance if iwas the one to pull the trigger.But on the other hand I don’t beleive that police can target and kill athug just for fun.maybe the intelligence collected showed they were the ringleaders with potential to recruit more cop them being eliminated in broad day light with umati watching sends aclear message to other young thugs who are there that the same fate awaits them should they fail to change.ibelieve in amovie called sword fish in matters relating to security.
Am not supporting the the thugs but that clip got me wondering the Police did that because it was an ‘easy’ thing to do! Why don’t they pull the same move on the Pokot warriors! They are killing and looting just like the ‘Kids’ they killed… lets see a Pokot warrior executed in broad daylight as well wouldn’t it send the same message as well?
are you not mixing pebbles and marbles?
if you arm yourself with a gun to kill others don’t except quarter…
Let me put it this way…once in a certain war a soldier was out in the forest…he witnessed a rebel soldier waiting and stalking a fighter jet with just his AK47 rifle and when the jet got closer the rebel opened fire on the jet…that is when the guy realised that he was fighting an unwinnable war…the enemy was fighting for an ideal that he believed in.
Noe ideals are not necessarily wrong, not like crime, as it is with those thugs that were killed in eistleigh. The pokot have certain ideals that they believe they should defend…the government cannot go guns blazing in there…because it will just create a bigger unsolvable problem in future
Problem with Kenyans is there’s no action that’s taken that doesn’t attract criticism. If the police don’t crack down on the thugs, people complain, when the police act, the same thing happens.
I guess it reaches a point the police do what they deem necessary without being bothered by noisy detractors.
Those warriors in Pokot have no TV’s, no whatsapp, no facebook and they don’t care . The message would not reach its destination.
Am not sure i get your point, is cattle rustling an ideal? the Pokot are just thugs as the ‘kids’ in Eastleigh
Its a society, what ever they do they are going to be differing views, what we are asking is no double standards! Let crime in all arears of Kenya be met with the same zeal!
They have to start somewhere.
@pamba kuja umoja na squad Kuna tu imp tunashmbua since school closed
too much checks and balances is bad for governance.
In uae you can sleep with door open because no one will steal from you knowing if caught what will happen
The amount of ignorance on this thread is worrying, Monday blues perhaps?
Threatening a prostitute with a big penis
what I meant was that its something that is deep rooted in their culture…not even money will make them see any sense. and again they are a waring tribe…vita ndio wanajua
una kumbuka after the suguta valley massacre, when pokot leaders apologized claiming they thought the cops were samburu warriors…
Then why do we have a govt? If the police are unable to deal with them then send the KDF. Kenya should not entertain a bunch of criminals to do whatever they want because they are warriors. Kama vile wanakulisha thugs huku nai ndengu pia walishe hao Pokots dengu. If the govt with its superior weapons finish a couple of these so called warriors they will eventualy realize that their warring ways is not benefitial to them.