A plan to Visit Sweet Houses this Friday

Since there is no curfew this Friday After a long time Below is my Schedule.

5:00pm I Ship out of office headed to downtown CBD
5:20 pm Arrival pale Sophia Joy I take two jugs of Keg as i Osha Mecho for like one hour.
6:30pm. I leave Keekorok road(Hiyo street hukaa too dangerous). I head to VIP clasic.
6:40pm- I Arrive at VIP classic order a tusker and osha mecho for 1 hour as i scan for that petite kamba Lanye
8:00 to 8:20pm- Pekejeeing the Kamba Lanye
8:20pm Leave VIP for Amar( Amar is more safe).
8:30pm- Kamata a tusker at Amar kwa Balcony as i spy on ule dame aliingiza Dick wa Kitovu( Mkonyo).
9:40pm to 10pm- Mkonyo manenoz as i piga nduru with my eyes closed(Romance ya Mkonyo ni safi sana)
10pm - dawn - Head yo Sabina Joy just for final Eye washing. A single Tusker 500ml for 7 hours.

Don’t forget to take ARV that morning.

Si urudi tu rwambogo, tutangoja hekaya on Saturday accompanied by clear photos on the osha mecho section.

Be safe mblo.

Very tight schedule indeed ,spare an hour or two in handcuffs pleading.

Hehe I wouldnt Mind. Provided its after the mkonyo section

Zitakam through

Do you need. A tag buddy it sound like a plan

Form Lazima tujipe


Usishangae… Lazima we effectively use our Curfew time

ARV itakuwa routine kuspress viral load.

Story iko wapi

Hujaelewa. Utakua mboga pia kwa hiyo combi

nadai kuwa hii form yako someday, just not today…

Welcome tujenge taifa

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D umenikumbusha mbali but mbona ujitese hivi . enda home ulale

:D:D:D Hii kijiji sihami


What was that at 8:30 pm?

the sweetest thing you will ever taste