I love studying pictures looking from the obvious to the subtle.
In this pic borrowed from Standard Newspapers I noticed 3 Chinese guys discussing Kenya with no presence of a Kenyan.
I know it’s not the same as that satanic 1885 Berlin Conference where wazungu sat together to discuss how they will massacre as many Africans as possible until they subdue the continent. But still I think it would have been nice to see a Kenyan representative hapo even if he’s just clueless and grinning like our green emoji:D
Next thing I noticed is our new SGR is following the same route that the Meter Gauge Railway followed. The reasons are practical but I wish it would have taken a slightly different route.
The SGR that will change Kenya in dramatic ways is the one from Lamu through Isiolo to South Sudan. LAPSSET they called it.
I also see Uganda SGR will branch off midway in their country. How will they afford because their SGR seems longer than ours? Au M7 will take land without compensation and thereby cut costs drastically?
I need to get into this SGR before this year is over as I had resolved to do in 2018.
It’s real history. The 1885 Berlin Conference was all about takeover of Africa to steal natural resources.
A picture talks a thousand words.
All it says to me is that maybe our engineers didn’t really have anything to contribute … or didn’t want to?
I mean, if they were oppressed by the governments that have been in power all this time and couldn’t air their REVOLUTIONARY ideas on how to improve our infrastructure all these years, they could easily have taken some initiative to do something as simple as writing articles, hard or soft copies, to share with everyone so we could all see the solutions available.
I spoke with someone (local) in 2007 who had a really good solution on how to eliminate the use of ferries at Likoni using two different solutions. But in his own words, “they have to pay me (and my friends/colleagues) through the nose”.
If we’re going to pay through our noses (as taxpayers), who cares if its the Chinese or a local greedy piece of ass???
As long as the job’s done, pfffffft!
Thika Highway works for me as a taxpayer. I don’t care who got the tender!
Calm down. I’m not hating on the Chinese getting the tender. Mine was just an observation on the things that Popout of the picture. Nowhere have I said I prefer Kenyans to build the SGR because I know we lack the knowhow.
This railway is theirs, not even ours.
We will own it one day. At least that’s what we hope
nilisema hivi juzi in a recent thread. Its all part of the new silk road, the one belt, one road initiative and it’s brilliant. And just like the British railway line, ni Wakenya na Waafrika in general watalipa hio ujenzi yote. You bring the idea but you make them pay for your idea and cede land willingly for construction; just brilliant
Xi Jinping didn’t use force or grab arable land like the British queen or other colonialists, he just dangled the false hope that, “hey look here Africans, you need the roads, the rails and we can help each other grow! And you Uhuru, you can campaign on the strengths of this railway line… its a win win, know?!!”
“And we will provide the expertise but you can take the glory all day long, but kulipa ni lazima! Now kiss the ring like a good boy!”
Kenya’s port is extremely vital in Xi Jinping’s master plan. Ndio maana alituma Li Keqiang hapa Nairobi personally to sign documents! Just like in the British master plan where Mombasa was the gateway to the Subsaharan heartland, in 2018, 19, 20 ad infinitum, Mombasa is very critical to China’s growth. Minerals and food from inside darkest Africa, all the way from the Congo to landlocked Pearl of Africa (Uganda)… to South Sudan, zote zitapitia Kenya. The oil, the titanium, the coal… hata hii mafuta ya Turkana na Uganda I wouldn’t be surprised to hear who “discovered it” and who is really “financing the drilling.”
THEY FINANCE IT,BUT WE AFRICANS PAY FOR IT LATER THROUGH OTHER VERY BIASED UNFAIR TERMS. Hizo Dongo Kundu road mnaonyeshwa zote na akina Kibarani na wapi… we are China’s bitch. Kwanza hio mafuta ya Kiir na Machar Mushaina anadondokwa na mate. That’s why kamwana keeps going to S. Sudan, " Brothers si muwache vita tukule hii pesa, nikii mani? Machar why fight when you can be a real billionaire like me?"
Nayo U.S. inaangalia from a distance, “Maalizeni kujenga maumbwa nikuje ni sabotage hio risto.China umetukuta hapa juzi tu, you think you can sabotage the world order, hebu kwanza uma tariff daddy. Uma tariff halafu tukuonyeshe vile Gadaffi aliuma pamba.”
Nayo Russia inaangalia from the other end , “eeh maliza kujenga pipeline hapo Khazakstan Xi Jinping ndio utajua hujui. Umekuta wanaume kwa nyumba now you feel you have balls to take over?”
Meanwhile the story of the African pawn continues…
i was waiting for someone to say this…these guys know what they are doing,it looks like some long term plan to lay the rail to the interior of the continent then they start using it for trade,just look at the network…african leaders will pay blindly…
You paint a bleak picture. The good thing about Kenya is we don’t have any natural resources worth destroying a country over. That means it will not be easy to incite Kenyans into a prolonged conflicts like it is in Nigeria and DRC
The only problem with China’s brilliant plan is that it’s nothing new. Britain had a masterplan to dominate the, planet but America the new colony ruined that plan. Hitler had a masterplan and we know how that went. America and Russia have their ongoing feud which was recently rescusitated.
So Xi Jinping must know full well that human beings are full of sabotage. If Trump comes dangling a sweeter deal to Uhuru or Machar, Xi atabaki hapo na railways that lead nowhere. The trade deficit of Kenya with China is over a hundred percent. We practically export nothing to China but they in turn export/dump over 300 billion worth of product in Kenya. If they start dumping even fish like someone posted yesterday… tutabaki na nini? Si Kenya tu iitwe Guangzhou juu imekuwa yao.
Maximum respect
Uve nailed it.
Back to the thread. The Kenyan took the picture.