Stella Nyanzi yawa :D:D
najua hii ata museveni alicheka
Stella Nyanzi yawa :D:D
najua hii ata museveni alicheka
What is the Core of the matter?
:D:D:D Stella, stella, stella…
matter-core ? :D:D
I see what you did there
Why are African presidents so buttocks sensitive?
even @FieldMarshal CouchP won’t like this
anaweka kidole kwa mattercore ya chui…
M7 is butt-hurt.
If u r on Facebook then I know u… It’s just that I am being lazy to compare the both dictions, phraseologys, wordings …
But what happens in KTalk stays in KTalk.
Ok. Pas de problème.
She talked of burning her clitoral if M7 win election last year !
[ATTACH=full]93534[/ATTACH] :D:Dbattocks…